Timeline for blue list by ceruleanspark, page 2

Cerulean Spark ceruleanspark blue Friday, 30-Nov-01 00:00:00 UTC
Listed 1 Subscribers 0
  1. Again one of those things that ought to go without saying, but Nazis get out, you're not wanted or welcome in this place. Also, perish.

    Wednesday, 01-Jul-20 10:56:47 UTC from web
  2. I used to wonder what friendship could be. I still do, but I used to too.

    Tuesday, 16-Jun-20 11:57:06 UTC from web
  3. I didn't think it needed to be said, but my official position is that Black Lives Matter, and Fuck the police. Thank you and goodnight.

    Friday, 05-Jun-20 10:23:17 UTC from web in context
  4. @mrmattimation So I guess they really DID put all the jerks in tower 1.

    Monday, 27-Apr-20 23:15:21 UTC from web in context
  5. @mrmattimation That's probably for the best. My PS4 is frequently on the verge of achieving flight when trying to play it.

    Sunday, 19-Apr-20 10:58:16 UTC from web in context
  6. @mrmattimation What platform do you play on? I need someone to die for me (PS4)

    Sunday, 19-Apr-20 10:57:20 UTC from web in context
  7. Fluffle Puff it, I'm turning the search off.

    Friday, 17-Apr-20 08:55:45 UTC from web
  8. I optimized the database for the two of you. Just shows I still care~

    Thursday, 16-Apr-20 21:52:45 UTC from web
  9. @mrmattimation This seems like something you might find interesting: https://bluwingskitty.tumblr.com/post/613056765209214976

    Friday, 20-Mar-20 08:18:58 UTC from web in context
  10. I'm sure you all want to know what Rainbow Dash Network is doing about Coronavirus. The answer is, much like McDonalds: "grapeing nothing".

    Wednesday, 18-Mar-20 19:23:27 UTC from web
  11. @mrmattimation I saw it on sale for £10 so I figured at that price, if I at least got some funny stories out of how busted it was, I’d have broken even, but now I’m level 30 and drugging new players with unlabelled Nukashine

    Friday, 28-Feb-20 09:07:50 UTC from web in context
  12. I’m not too proud to admit I was wrong @nerthos was right. I am in fact, enjoying Fallout 76 a great deal.

    Friday, 28-Feb-20 09:01:25 UTC from web in context
  13. @scribus I don’t know why the idea of someone ordering a Turbo Coke and being asked “is Pepsi OK?” Is so funny to me but it just is

    Friday, 28-Feb-20 09:00:28 UTC from web in context
  14. But I do have something today: I bought a house!

    Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:28 UTC from web in context
  15. I do actually miss you guys pretty often. I just very rarely find I have anything to say anymore?

    Friday, 27-Dec-19 00:16:09 UTC from web in context
  16. @scribus Yeah but ironically MLP ended up being pretty much the only series to endure out of the ones we were all thinking of at the time. Littlest Pet Shop: Cancelled. Over the Garden Wall: Over. Gravity Falls: Over. Steven Universe: Who even knows. Rick and Morty: anathema to thinking people. Adventure Time: Over.

    Saturday, 12-Oct-19 09:31:48 UTC from web in context
  17. That said, I'm pretty sure we *are* a gay speed dating service? How many people came to terms with having the big gay just through this website alone? At least two of them.

    Friday, 11-Oct-19 23:14:19 UTC from web in context
  18. @scribus I've got an axe in the back of my car for that.

    Friday, 11-Oct-19 23:13:14 UTC from web in context
  19. @darkw00d It's still *called* that. It's just nobody will know who Rainbow Dash is and will just assume we're some kind of gay speed dating service.

    Friday, 11-Oct-19 23:13:10 UTC from web in context
  20. https://twitter.com/HackedOffHugh/status/1166740030947287040 Guys I think Hugh Grant is mad about something

    Wednesday, 28-Aug-19 22:13:09 UTC from web in context
  21. @nerthos I was *sure* I was about to watch a bunch of people die in a fire, but instead it turned out pretty rad.

    Wednesday, 07-Aug-19 22:01:36 UTC from web in context
  22. I can't believe I was able to run do-release-upgrade on this server and it work *perfectly*.

    Monday, 24-Jun-19 21:06:50 UTC from web in context
  23. I miss Touhou games. Do they still make those?

    Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:19:49 UTC from web in context
  24. The only piece of videogame news that matters right now is the existence of Wooloo, the round sheep pokemon.

    Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:18:09 UTC from web
  25. Whoever is in charge of Brazils internet should reboot it.

    Tuesday, 14-May-19 20:08:39 UTC from web
  26. And now, the highpoint of Homestuck: >[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter. https://www.homestuck.com/story/1931

    Sunday, 14-Apr-19 15:16:32 UTC from web
  27. @scribus given that they typically arrive in the middle of my work day, on weekdays, I’d have to be having a really weird day for it to be the second one.

    Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 15:35:23 UTC from web in context
  28. Also RDN has now outlived Google Plus

    Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:23:29 UTC from web in context
  29. I just want @scribus to know that my phone pinged me that I had received his monthly donation just as I flushed the toilet, so it felt like he was paying me for that.

    Wednesday, 03-Apr-19 11:21:28 UTC from web in context
  30. I do want to talk about the implications of this unit for a moment, specifically "Dry Bones" and "Dry Bowser", whose naming conventions confuse and frighten me. When I die, will I become Dry Brian? Is a living Bowser Wet Bowser? Why do Piranha Plant have bone in it?

    Thursday, 21-Mar-19 00:00:23 UTC from web in context

