Timeline for blue list by ceruleanspark, page 2
Again one of those things that ought to go without saying, but Nazis get out, you're not wanted or welcome in this place. Also, perish.
Wednesday, 01-Jul-20 10:56:47 UTC from web -
I used to wonder what friendship could be. I still do, but I used to too.
Tuesday, 16-Jun-20 11:57:06 UTC from web -
I didn't think it needed to be said, but my official position is that Black Lives Matter, and Fuck the police. Thank you and goodnight.
@mrmattimation So I guess they really DID put all the jerks in tower 1.
@mrmattimation That's probably for the best. My PS4 is frequently on the verge of achieving flight when trying to play it.
@mrmattimation What platform do you play on? I need someone to die for me (PS4)
Fluffle Puff it, I'm turning the search off.
Friday, 17-Apr-20 08:55:45 UTC from web -
I optimized the database for the two of you. Just shows I still care~
Thursday, 16-Apr-20 21:52:45 UTC from web -
@mrmattimation This seems like something you might find interesting: https://bluwingskitty.tumblr.com/post/613056765209214976
I'm sure you all want to know what Rainbow Dash Network is doing about Coronavirus. The answer is, much like McDonalds: "grapeing nothing".
Wednesday, 18-Mar-20 19:23:27 UTC from web -
@mrmattimation I saw it on sale for £10 so I figured at that price, if I at least got some funny stories out of how busted it was, I’d have broken even, but now I’m level 30 and drugging new players with unlabelled Nukashine
I’m not too proud to admit I was wrong @nerthos was right. I am in fact, enjoying Fallout 76 a great deal.
@scribus I don’t know why the idea of someone ordering a Turbo Coke and being asked “is Pepsi OK?” Is so funny to me but it just is
But I do have something today: I bought a house!
I do actually miss you guys pretty often. I just very rarely find I have anything to say anymore?
@scribus Yeah but ironically MLP ended up being pretty much the only series to endure out of the ones we were all thinking of at the time. Littlest Pet Shop: Cancelled. Over the Garden Wall: Over. Gravity Falls: Over. Steven Universe: Who even knows. Rick and Morty: anathema to thinking people. Adventure Time: Over.
That said, I'm pretty sure we *are* a gay speed dating service? How many people came to terms with having the big gay just through this website alone? At least two of them.
@scribus I've got an axe in the back of my car for that.
@darkw00d It's still *called* that. It's just nobody will know who Rainbow Dash is and will just assume we're some kind of gay speed dating service.
https://twitter.com/HackedOffHugh/status/1166740030947287040 Guys I think Hugh Grant is mad about something
@nerthos I was *sure* I was about to watch a bunch of people die in a fire, but instead it turned out pretty rad.
I can't believe I was able to run do-release-upgrade on this server and it work *perfectly*.
I miss Touhou games. Do they still make those?
The only piece of videogame news that matters right now is the existence of Wooloo, the round sheep pokemon.
Monday, 10-Jun-19 22:18:09 UTC from web -
Whoever is in charge of Brazils internet should reboot it.
Tuesday, 14-May-19 20:08:39 UTC from web -
And now, the highpoint of Homestuck: >[S] John: Reunite with your loving wife and daughter. https://www.homestuck.com/story/1931
Sunday, 14-Apr-19 15:16:32 UTC from web -
@scribus given that they typically arrive in the middle of my work day, on weekdays, I’d have to be having a really weird day for it to be the second one.
Also RDN has now outlived Google Plus
I just want @scribus to know that my phone pinged me that I had received his monthly donation just as I flushed the toilet, so it felt like he was paying me for that.
I do want to talk about the implications of this unit for a moment, specifically "Dry Bones" and "Dry Bowser", whose naming conventions confuse and frighten me. When I die, will I become Dry Brian? Is a living Bowser Wet Bowser? Why do Piranha Plant have bone in it?