Conner Skye's home timeline


  1. "vibrating pole clean energy" is probably one of the weirdest things I searched for today"

    Tuesday, 14-Mar-17 19:57:52 UTC from web
    • Today in "science with people who know nothing about physics" I was asked just howmany engines that would produce 80 micronewtons of force it would take to lit a bit bulky guy of 102 KGS off the ground, and then howmuch power that would take if every engine ate about 100 Watts a piece ... ... I think I got trolled since the answer is 1.21 gigawatts

      Sunday, 12-Mar-17 20:28:20 UTC from web
    • Looks like future Stardock games may come to Linux thanks to Vulkan. Personally, I'm still a little salty they sold Impulse to GameStop; that place had potential.

      Saturday, 11-Mar-17 11:57:35 UTC from
    • twitch ads are the worst because it forces you to miss like 60 seconds of the stream which is unlike pretty much any other commercial

      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 18:07:24 UTC from web
    • ayyyy, been a while.

      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 18:17:31 UTC from web
    • W-why is Tim Cook's Wikipedia page laid out like a politician's?

      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 15:34:34 UTC from web
    • I'm watching too many D&D-related videos on Youtube.

      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 15:18:32 UTC from web
      • @adiwan Could be worse, you could be watching 2 hour long video's "NASA and Science". I found that thing at 1:36:00 especially interesting ( sort of because I thought I was being fed clickbait by clipboard a few days ago. Turns out that the MMC's just know less science than me. Kinda like that one XKCD comic I can not find on que right now )

        How is this related to watching D&D-related video's ? ... Well unlike me, you might actually put to use the knowledge attained. Me ? I am probably not going to launch an enormous electromagnetic field generator to station itself in the Martian orbit around the sun to drag Mars through it's magnetotrail. Whereas the chance of you slaughtering Owlbears is almost all but absolute at this point.

        Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 15:44:34 UTC in context
      • @critialcloudkicker I'm trying really hard to remember if I had encountered an Owlbear in the current campaign. Our characters are level 9. Last campaign we had a race with owlbears in front of the carriages. It was a one-shot side quest with low-level characters that our characters hired just to try and test the 5th edition rules. It's kinda sad that I can't think of any encounters from this campaign because it's one of my most favourite monsters. The search function of our wiki doesn't result any entry with owlbears.

        Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 15:56:43 UTC in context
    • This looks safe... does the owner even realise that this is the exact reason why we do not have flying cars yet ?

      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 11:39:19 UTC from web

        Monday, 06-Mar-17 23:28:58 UTC from web
      • Someone just forwarded this to me. I guess this is one way to break the heart of the child in me. Thanks Nintendo ( and this is just the tip, or so I've heard )

        Monday, 06-Mar-17 22:57:56 UTC from web
        • @critialcloudkicker This is beautiful

          Monday, 06-Mar-17 23:04:35 UTC in context
        • @adiwan I guess in some very sadistic kinda way it could be, yes. Do I fear this will be the end of Nintendo as a hardware business ? probably. But bundle that with words about Nintendo putting copyright strikes/claims on Youtuber video's which bring these problems to light & the fact that if the end user has dead pixels the headlines of news outlets scream that it is the users problem ( such as the guardian ). Well yeah, now the answer to the question "Do I fear this will be the end of Nintendo as a hardware business ?" becomes indubitably.

          Monday, 06-Mar-17 23:09:02 UTC in context
      • Gotta love 8 year olds . "heh, sandboobs !" he said as he saw this.

        Monday, 06-Mar-17 15:55:42 UTC from web
        • how come in my dreams i have to have sex with my grandma

          Monday, 06-Mar-17 12:17:46 UTC from web
        • Some Nintendo Switches have a TN panel, some Nintendo Switches have an IPS screen. I now have friends screaming bloody murder since they don't care because all they see are dead pixels

          Monday, 06-Mar-17 10:40:59 UTC from web
        • Look how mature this website has gotten! I love you all!

          Sunday, 05-Mar-17 16:31:03 UTC from web
        • I hope the price of the Wii U will drop very soon.

          Friday, 03-Mar-17 13:19:29 UTC from web
        • Today I got into a WHOLE lot of trouble for merely suggesting that "Maybe if you self-describe whatever you see on the internet as traumatic, you shouldn't be on the internet ?". ... I was being called a misogynistic dickweed smelly stupid cishet white nerd... Well I did understood that so that means I am definitely a nerd

          Friday, 03-Mar-17 19:39:00 UTC from web
          • Reinstalling all my gaymes to this new drive is going to take batcaveing forever. Seagate never again.

            Thursday, 02-Mar-17 23:34:26 UTC from
          • damn

            Thursday, 02-Mar-17 23:00:44 UTC from web
          • A trailer to the new Ducktales series appeared I'm not sure how to feel about that.

            Thursday, 02-Mar-17 16:59:34 UTC from web
          • Well, gee, I am learning more about early medieval warfare just because of my thirst for knowledge and rubix-complex. Thanks MattPatt.

            Thursday, 02-Mar-17 00:06:08 UTC from web
            • Is MattPatt losing his marbles or what ? I just saw his Game Theory for "For Honor". If he were going to make a game analysis I'd be ohkay. But he made it into a historical analysis. He deserves to get his butt kicked. [rant] dammit, even I know the difference between butted and riveted mail. Also I the invention to not make iron rust was discovered probably somewhere 600 BC. And finally I know that untill late 15th century that samurai's were wearing box-armor because once I read a childrens book [/rant]

              Wednesday, 01-Mar-17 23:08:52 UTC from web
              • about 3 and a half minutes into I can already FEEL that whenever someone asks me in the future "What does cognitive dissonance look like" I can show them that clip.

                Wednesday, 01-Mar-17 12:47:36 UTC from web
                • I was just passed by a friend. I can not stop laughing :) ( it is about the Nintendo's newest console having a kickstand and how Cnet... ... is stupid )

                  Tuesday, 28-Feb-17 01:36:34 UTC from web
                  • Oh wow I just love waking up sluggish late in the afternoon ( I have my reasons ) and I have to deal with a bunch of passwords that I should change IMMEDIATLY !

                    Friday, 24-Feb-17 14:07:42 UTC from web
                    • Everybody guess what song I was singing that prompted this response from my little sister

                      Monday, 20-Feb-17 18:37:22 UTC from web
                    • tfw your sister has a friend over and you need to pee but don't want to pee because you don't want her to know that you pee

                      Monday, 20-Feb-17 18:32:29 UTC from web
                    • So I had a dream in which I put a tree inside of an oven and drained ALL the Oxygen, I turned the oven to about 260 C and proceeded to turn my tree in some sort of plastic-y goo. I woke up and thought "Gee, isn't this something @mushi would dream about ?"

                      Monday, 20-Feb-17 18:31:43 UTC from web
                      • leaving my laptop with this program open with a 3D model while I leave for 4 hours to watch a film is probably a fine idea

                        Saturday, 18-Feb-17 18:27:17 UTC from web
                      • My Fiio X1 MP3 player had the weirdest glitch. Suddenly it didn't display any files although plugging it in as a drive revealed that the SD card worked fine and no files were lost. I had to downgrade and upgrade the firmware in order to make it work again.

                        Wednesday, 15-Feb-17 11:00:47 UTC from web
                      • So I just found out they cancelled Scalebound. Darn shame. I was looking forward to playing that game somewhere in 2022.

                        Sunday, 12-Feb-17 13:19:48 UTC from web