

  1. # Pinkie Pie meets Surprise. (it's more a wish of mine)

    Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:46:54 UTC from Choqok
    1. @broniebrown ....Surprise?

      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:49:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @leonkfox It's a G1 Pony that Lauren Faust wanted for FiM at first. It's the prototype of Pinkie Pie. And I love this tumblr

        Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:56:48 UTC from Choqok
        1. @broniebrown I'm obsessed with surprise <3

          Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:57:25 UTC from web
        2. @broniebrown Ah...G1...wouldn't know, MLP prior to FiM is...well, something I don't watch, to put it in a light way.

          Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:57:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @leonkfox #

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:59:23 UTC from web
          2. @leonkfox I dun watch it aswell but I love seeing old G ponies in fim style =D

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 15:04:45 UTC from web
          3. @leonkfox I haven't seen G1 either but I like this character a lot because of this tumblr. Just imagine what Pinkie can do if she could fly!

            Sunday, 04-Sep-11 15:11:39 UTC from Choqok
    2. @broniebrown that would be so so awesome /)^3^(\

      Sunday, 04-Sep-11 14:57:51 UTC from web
      1. @chaosmagic Eyup!

        Sunday, 04-Sep-11 15:12:10 UTC from Choqok