Notices tagged with shoobedoo
#shoobedoo fhtagn, ia ia!
Friday, 17-Apr-15 04:35:50 UTC from web
@redenchilada oh, and also #shoobedoo
- Well, it's _kind of_ like #shoobedoo.
Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 19:04:16 UTC from web - Well, it's _kind of_ like #shoobedoo.
Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 19:02:22 UTC from web -
@thelastgherkin #Shoobedoo shoop shoobedoo! Call upon the sea devils...
@ceruleanspark Oh yeah, certainly. I was just pointing out that said beginning would actually be in one of the movies (the same one #SHOOBEDOO comes from, in fact).
Also, good afternoon everypony! #shoobedoo
I don't even play Touhou and I'm doing this. Oh well. #shoobedoo
@ceruleanspark You'll hear them #shoobedoo well before you feel nibbling. I will wait for that moment.
@ceruleanspark They have a mating call though #shoobedoo
Thursday, 01-Dec-11 23:17:15 UTC from web