

  1. Now playing Sonic & Knuckles. To this day, this is the only Mega Drive Sonic game I have never completed. !vgp

    Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:36:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @leonkfox Are you doing the £ & Knuckles thing, or just playing S&K on its own?

      Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:37:16 UTC from web
      1. @pawnheart Just Sonic and Knuckles on its own, though if you own Sonic and Knuckles as well as 2 and 3 on Xbox Live Arcade you can link them up, unlike Mega Collection (any platform) which in the many years I've owned it I've never figured out to do, if you can at all :/

        Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:40:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox Ah, I've got the MD versions, but I just tend to use the fanhack version on an emulator. Gotta say, I found it a darn sight easier to complete than Sonic 2... gah! That final bloody robotnik-bot thing! Only got through it once...

          Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:49:29 UTC from web
          1. @pawnheart I dunno which one was hardest to me, but I certanily know that I don't quite understand the hype surrounding Sonic 3 and Knuckles (and the two games as individuals) to me it didn't compare to the 1st 2, or even some of the 3D games that I enjoyed such as Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Unleashed (Daytime) and Colours. Heck, I actually found Team Sonic's portion of Sonic Heroes a tad more fun (certanily not the game as a whole though) I don't hate it, but it is far from the holy grail of Sonic games as people make it out to be, IMO. !vgp

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:52:54 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @leonkfox Sonic CD is best.

              Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:54:07 UTC from web
              1. @rpb3000 Am I the only one who found the stages in Sonic CD to be something of a clustermurdock in terms of design? The music was awesome though, and it could be quite fun at times.

                Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:58:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                1. @leonkfox They all have some theme, actually. Besides the future/past/present idea, each level has the same level. Ex: Palmtree Panic, PP. See?

                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:59:25 UTC from web
                2. @leonkfox They were certainly slower than the other Genesis games' stages, but for the most part they weren't that bad. Except Wacky Workbench. Shame, since it's one of the better themes in that game.

                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 17:59:43 UTC from web
                  1. @redenchilada I liked CD more than Sonic 3 and Knuckles (which I personally feel is a tad over rated, not a bad game by any means, but certainily not the holy grail so many Sonic fans feel it is.

                    Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:03:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                    1. @leonkfox S3&K was probably the low point of the originals for me too. I preferred 2's approach.

                      Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:04:16 UTC from web
                      1. @redenchilada For me it would go Sonic 2 > Sonic 1 > Sonic 1 Game Gear > Sonic 2 Game Gear > Sonic CD > Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

                        Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:06:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                        1. @leonkfox Ha, S2GG. Only good GG games were Chaos and Triple Trouble. And Tails Adventures, if that counts.

                          Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:09:57 UTC from web
                          1. @redenchilada I personally hated the Game Gear games after Sonic 2, so I didn't even list those. And I love Tails, but Tails Adventures is a game I'd say was worse than Sonic 06, at least at times that was so bad it was almost good.

                            Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:15:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                            1. @leonkfox You like 06 over Tails Adventure? ...What?

                              Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:15:52 UTC from web
                              1. @redenchilada Hey, that's not to say Sonic 06 was a good game in my eyes, far from it, it was mangoes awful, but it was at least so good it was bad in that some of the glitches were hilarious, Tails Adventures didn't even entertain me in that manner.

                                Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:18:03 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                1. @leonkfox That I can agree with.

                                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:18:51 UTC from web
                              2. @redenchilada So bad it was good even, god dammit !derp

                                Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:19:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                          2. @redenchilada Those were awful. Sonic 1 and 2 were the only decent ones on Game Gear. Everything else was boring and way too easy.

                            Friday, 09-Sep-11 19:33:12 UTC from web
                3. @leonkfox I thought they were superbly executed for simultaneously containing the item placement for 4 separate times. But that certainly leads to a bit of an awkward feel in some instances. Still, it's my favorite Sonic game. It feels like all of the good things from 2 except now with more good things. I've always felt like 3 & Knux tried too hard to be a true epic and missed the mark.

                  Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:00:48 UTC from web
                  1. @rpb3000 I suppose, but I dunno, the levels didn't feel like they were as fun to play through as Sonics 1 and 2 were to me, it was a much better game than 3 and Knux though.

                    Friday, 09-Sep-11 18:04:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          2. @pawnheart *first two

            Friday, 09-Sep-11 13:56:14 UTC from MuSTArDroid