

  1. So, what does everypony think will happen next episode? Is Spike going to be on the run from Dashie? Rarity furtively glancing at a polaroid of Tom? Or will it be a complete break and not reference the opener at all?

    Monday, 26-Sep-11 08:56:55 UTC from web
    1. @rdbrony Some concepts i thought up as episodes... 1. Pinkie pie private eye mystery story 2. Body swapping episode rarity in pinkie body would be fun, and MOAR LUNA!!! celestia tells her to go to ponyville & make friends etc

      Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:00:10 UTC from web
      1. @purplephish20 My guess... there will be an episode where the CMCs screw something up. Its a big gamble I know.

        Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:01:12 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Woah woah woah take it easy there brony!

          Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:02:28 UTC from web
        2. @pawnheart How many seasons is it going to take before our CMCs no longer have blank flanks?

          Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:03:51 UTC from web
          1. @rdbrony Well, it certainly looks like nowt is going to happen with that this season (well, judging by Jayson Theissen's BroNYcomments)

            Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:05:32 UTC from web
      2. @purplephish20 Pinkie Pie detective. Do Want!

        Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:02:50 UTC from web
    2. @rdbrony It'll be a clean break. Since the first two episodes were made during the same production blocks as the rest of series one, they technically still count as part of that series. Episode three onwards is where the new crew take over, and as the start of a new season it'll have plenty of establishing character moments for the mane cast to allow new viewers to tune in and understand what's happening. (There will also be a remastered theme tune.)

      Monday, 26-Sep-11 09:03:50 UTC from web