

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @rotation Obviously you just love it here :)

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:22:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @rotation We're pretty great.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:23:26 UTC from web
    3. @rotation It's where all the cool people are.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:23:52 UTC from web
    4. @rotation I know what I want to get as the prize for the quiz at !midlandsbronies 2: The Reacquainting. I'm also quite keen to see if I can book a wee conference room or something, so we can watch Sisterhooves Social. As I haven't very much loose cash at the moment, though, that may depend on each pony being willing to pop in a few quid for the hire.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:28:31 UTC from web
    5. @rotation Why ARE you in England?

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 12:29:33 UTC from web
    6. @rotation So you think the conference room showing is a good idea? I mean the plan was that I'd see if I could pay for it myself, and then spread the cost between ponies retroactively at the meet. Well, you can! But I'm sure I've got plenty of awesome/wack stuff I can give as runner-up/booby prizes.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 14:47:19 UTC from web
    7. @rotation Awesome! Why the MS in particular? ...I ain't complaining, I still have one m'self! Well, I was just going to see the results of @seanthesheep's fabtacular poll, then look for a hotel not far off from the chosen station, then ring and ask if they had projection, sound facilities... etc.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 14:56:14 UTC from web
    8. @rotation Well... was thinking more using a projector for the ep. But shadow puppets? Why not! 'Hay Twilight! I'm a lesbian!' 'Really, Dash? I am also is a lesbian. SHOCK!' 'Let us have pony secks' 'Yay'.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 14:59:22 UTC from web
      1. @pawnheart It has a heartbreaking ending. I call it 'Made in China'.

        Sunday, 16-Oct-11 15:00:49 UTC from web
      2. @pawnheart I'm still waiting for someone to make me Pony Puppet Pals so I'm prepared for such an occasion.

        Sunday, 16-Oct-11 15:01:20 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin That is amazingly adorable. Well, if we can't get a projector, but there's a screen there...

          Sunday, 16-Oct-11 15:03:07 UTC from web
    9. @thatonepony I meant actual puppets made out of fabric.

      Sunday, 16-Oct-11 15:03:14 UTC from web