

  1. This is a masterful piece of writing. Worthy of some kind of literary award

    Thursday, 27-Oct-11 13:27:38 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark I prefer the ones with Fabio on the cover. xD

      Thursday, 27-Oct-11 13:29:05 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark @thelastgherkin Böst büük evör! Seriously, what do you expect anything good from a book titled "Rough and Ready"? It has to be a pile of poor writing ^^

      Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:48:16 UTC from Choqok
      1. @broniebrown I also love that the opposite page contains the sentence "Dick beamed at the high praise".

        Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:50:45 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin Wasn't that a line from Star Trek?

          Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:53:13 UTC from web
        2. @thelastgherkin Buahaha. I don't even. "Scotty beam me up!" would be then a sentence from a bad Star Trek gay slashfiction.

          Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:54:33 UTC from Choqok
          1. @broniebrown Fun fact: it was the Star Trek fandom that invented gay slashfiction!

            Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:56:36 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin This, apparently, is true.

              Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:58:11 UTC from web
            2. @thelastgherkin Not really surprising but it seems a bit odd to me. The more interesting question would be when the first was written.

              Saturday, 29-Oct-11 11:00:57 UTC from Choqok
              1. @broniebrown 1974~!

                Saturday, 29-Oct-11 11:02:51 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin Fascinating

                  Saturday, 29-Oct-11 11:13:15 UTC from Choqok
      2. @broniebrown This is my fetish.

        Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:50:49 UTC from web
        1. @pawnheart Kitshy cover makes my eyes burn!

          Saturday, 29-Oct-11 10:56:00 UTC from Choqok