

  1. J'veux ton amour, I DON'T WANNA BE FRENCH

    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:26:11 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin BETTER YOU THAN ME

      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:26:50 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx Walk. Walk. Fashion, baby. Work it. Move that cherries carayzay.

        Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:28:58 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin I- I just... I, I have no idea what to say to that.

          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:29:58 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx I want your ugly. I want your disease. I want your everything, as long as it's free.

            Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:31:35 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin You can have all my diseases for free. When it's business time.

              Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:32:25 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx I would like to take a break from talking Lady Gaga lyrics to say SEE THIS, EVERYPONY, FLAXX HAS NAUGHTYTIMES-TRANSMITTED DISEASES

                Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:34:17 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin Lady Gaga? No wonder I had no idea what you were talking about. Also, NO I DON'T, DON'T LISTEN TO THE GHERKIN HE'S A DIRTY LIAR

                  Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:35:37 UTC from web
                  1. @flaxx You're... you're such a FLIP FLOP! Cool one minute, then LAME the next!

                    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:49:21 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin @flaxx Like this?:

                      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:50:05 UTC from web
                    2. @thelastgherkin At least I'm cooler than you! I have nothing to back up that fact with, so I'm just hoping you'll give up and not try to disprove me!

                      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:51:36 UTC from web
                      1. @flaxx I accept your challenge to give up!

                        Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:54:20 UTC from web
                        1. @thelastgherkin This means I win! I love winning!

                          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:56:32 UTC from web
                          1. @flaxx Yeah, but I win the dare. I AM THE DARE MASTER

                            Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:58:22 UTC from web
                            1. @thelastgherkin HOLY SMOKES YOU'RE RIGHT D:

                              Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:59:17 UTC from web
                              1. @flaxx Of course I'm right. I'm the DARE MASTER

                                Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:05:05 UTC from web
                                1. @thelastgherkin I dare you to step down from your post as THE DARE MASTER

                                  Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:06:15 UTC from web
                                  1. @flaxx ?!

                                    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:08:21 UTC from web
                                    1. @thelastgherkin THIS MEANS I WIN

                                      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:08:41 UTC from web
                                      1. @flaxx I step down as the dare master... winning the dare. Because I AM THE DARE MASTER

                                        Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:13:57 UTC from web
                                        1. @thelastgherkin HOLY [REDACTED] HE'S DONE IT AGAIN

                                          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:14:35 UTC from web
                                2. @thelastgherkin I'd dare you to kiss a cactus if I knew that wouldnt end with a popping sound ... :o so DON'T DO IT !

                                  Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:09:50 UTC from web
                                  1. @critialcloudkicker I kiss the cactus because I AM THE DARE MApop

                                    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:15:12 UTC from web
                                    1. @thelastgherkin * beep * * beep * * beep * "tape !" * beep * "bigger tape !" * beep * * beep * * beep * "scissors !" * beep * * beep * "baby scissors !" * beep * * beep * "latex glue !" * beep * * beep * * beep * "spongebath !" "we don't have any sponges :(" * beep * * beep * * beep * "hairspray !" * beep * * beep * *bweeeee~~~~~* ... ladies and gentlecolts... I present to you... a new the last gherkin... we rebuild him... for we have the techology... also I gave him a pompadour. Why ? Because I think pompadour's are awesome

                                      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:19:27 UTC from web
                                      1. @critialcloudkicker Unpop! I think I am OK with having a pompadour?

                                        Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:29:00 UTC from web
                                        1. @thelastgherkin Yes.

                                          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:29:38 UTC from web
                                        2. @thelastgherkin By the way, I still won the dare so I am totes THE DARE MASTER

                                          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:30:16 UTC from web
                                        3. @thelastgherkin YES YOU ARE :D ... it looks so cuuute wannabe tough ... ol'gangsta'

                                          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:33:00 UTC from web
                                          1. @critialcloudkicker Oh, I thought I was having one of these:

                                            Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:34:36 UTC from web
                                            1. @thelastgherkin oh please, I am thinking mid 80's hair wax... not ... well... ... although you must admit, this is pretty neat ( meanwhile... oh hey tears from laughter :D )

                                              Sunday, 20-Nov-11 23:38:52 UTC from web
        2. @thelastgherkin Walk, walk, work it. I'm a free mangoes, baby!

          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:29:59 UTC from web
          1. @thatonepony I want your love, and I want your revenge!

            Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:32:00 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin I want your love, I don't want to be friend!

              Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:33:05 UTC from web
              1. @thatonepony J'veux ton amour, et je veux ta revanche!

                Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:35:17 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin 's speakin fancy!

                  Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:36:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                2. @thelastgherkin I don't know the rest of the words....

                  Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:37:08 UTC from web
                  1. @thatonepony Disappointment.

                    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:49:39 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin Ware it like a tarp.

                      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:49:59 UTC from web
    2. @thelastgherkin Dommage que vous êtes un ballon :ponytrollface: :D

      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:29:28 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker I can change! D:

        Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:31:04 UTC from web
        1. @thelastgherkin aww * huggles poor little baloonface * ... I am pretty sure you can change one of these days... but right now you are too much of an * suppressed laughter * air-head

          Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:33:14 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker The way you pick on me makes me feel so deflated.

            Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:37:09 UTC from web
            1. @thelastgherkin I wouldnt dare to pick on you... you might burst... but I have just the thing for you... * pulls out a fresh bean-muffin out of the oven * pour vous :D

              Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:39:19 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker A bean-muffin? That's... nice?

                Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:50:12 UTC from web
                1. @thelastgherkin it also helps to up your gas-content... you know, to get yourself a more "flated" feeling :D

                  Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:51:50 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker You ARE picking on me. :|

                    Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:54:42 UTC from web
                    1. @thelastgherkin heck no, in all sincerity , I don't want to see you hanging low. But if I can help you while I crack some wize-murdock jokes, power to me :D

                      Sunday, 20-Nov-11 22:56:57 UTC from web