

  1. Skull crushingly depressed guys.... I'll leave it to you to cheer me up... Hello everypony

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:36:53 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 What's wrong?

      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:37:37 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty on the verge of quitting my job, and my relationship with my brother and mum has died... Pure anarchy...

        Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:39:13 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 Oh, my god... I don't even know what to say. :( #

          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:41:32 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty @ruperofbronies thanks, I'm having the worst day in months...

            Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:45:27 UTC from web
        2. @purplephish20 aw man, I'm sorry to hear that. I would advise against quitting your job. Maybe you could look for employment elsewhere while you continue to work for now, that way if you find something you can quit and not worry. May I ask what's up with your relationship with your family?

          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:42:07 UTC from web
        3. do your best @purplephish20 and things will get better

          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:43:30 UTC from web
        4. @purplephish20 bear #

          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:44:13 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:39:01 UTC from web
    3. @purplephish20 you'll be fine good buddy, we'll help you were we can

      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:40:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @mrdragon my mother, as insisted by every other family member, permanently has favoured my little brother since he was born, is oblivious to how selfish he actually is, is convinced I'm gay; resents me for that, and gets angry with everyone who tells her how she is... Step dad included

        Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:43:34 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 ah, that's tough man, I'm sorry. but it seems you do at least have some people who aren't biased against you. how much time do you spend with your step dad?

          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:45:30 UTC from web
          1. @trister my step dad and I, try and point out how my brother acts and how shellfish and lazy he is, but, with him being younger than me, is immune to doing anything wrong; I however, cannot use the phrase "I'm walking my mate home" without her then spending the next 2 months trying to find dirt on the "oh so obvious gay relationship I'm having"

            Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:48:27 UTC from web
            1. if i could help you i would help you@purplephish20

              Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:50:53 UTC from web
            2. @purplephish20 hm, well some people are just like that, they have a view of the world skewed by some strange internal factor and it's hard to get them to see reason. Still, you have someone to try and help, even if it isn't really working, and she can speculate and dig all she wants but she isn't going to find something that isn't there, so in the end all she's doing is wasting her own time. It does sounds infuriating, though, but hang in there, it won't stay this bad forever

              Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:52:53 UTC from web
        2. @purplephish20 I'm going to speak the truth, if she doesn't like you, don't concern yourself. Never try to make everyone happy, happiness is finding people to spend it with. You can't make everyone happy, don't try to impress everyone just those that want to impress you. The ones that call you perfect despite the flaws you may feel you have. If she's not going to be happy with who you are, don't change for her. It's not worth it, let your family eat at itself, of she's to close minded to see her problems it'll be her downfall and I am afraid you can't change that without her doing it for herself.

          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:49:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @mrdragon The biggest problem is... She's my employer, I quit college to concentrate on work, and now that's at stake, I feel like this is it, I can't breathe here... It was an advance IT course I quit... In favour of catering, in the hopes that it could expand and I could essentially RUN a business...

            Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:53:56 UTC from web
            1. @purplephish20 all I can say is, don't ruin your life for someone else's sake. If she's making your life in to ruin, walk away. I am sure you are old enough to do so. If you cannot advance in life because she is holding you back do not stay, focus on the here and now but always keep the future in mind. And if you can't see a future thanks to her, you need to get one.

              Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:56:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              1. @mrdragon @purplephish20 I agree. It may seem bad but it's better to have less of a relationship with her than to remain stuck in a poor one

                Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:59:32 UTC from web
              2. @mrdragon and thank you, ever so much...

                Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:00:56 UTC from web
                1. @purplephish20 i will help in any way i can

                  Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:02:11 UTC from web
                  1. @ruperofbronies I'll be in touch... Thanks

                    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:02:39 UTC from web
                    1. @purplephish20 no problem anything fo r a friend

                      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:03:39 UTC from web
                2. @purplephish20 get the life *you* want, no one is truly your friend or loved one if they cannot accept you who you are. They are the ones you should be around, they are the ones to fight for. Get a future you want, not one your being forced to do because of someone's selfish desires.

                  Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:03:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  1. @mrdragon you are truly inspiring

                    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:05:09 UTC from web
                    1. @ruperofbronies I don't know where he get it from... He's like the dalai lama!

                      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:06:36 UTC from web
                      1. @purplephish20 i know right

                        Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:09:23 UTC from web
                    2. @ruperofbronies @purplephish22 you make me blush I will hit you both...

                      Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:07:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @mrdragon um ok im hit enof at school and MUERDERD at school

                        Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:09:10 UTC from web
                        1. @ruperofbronies schools like that, and has been for hundreds of years. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Fight the bullies if need be but don't give in, you'll be stronger in life because of it

                          Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:11:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @mrdragon i dont giv

                            Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:13:40 UTC from web
                          2. @mrdragon i dont give in

                            Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:13:59 UTC from web
                  2. @mrdragon this guy could teach Twilight a thing or two about friendship values

                    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:07:39 UTC from web
            2. @purplephish20 i would help in any way i can

              Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:57:02 UTC from web
            3. @purplephish20 ah, that certainly is rough. Maybe you should try looking elsewhere for work. You can still build up skills and knowledge while working for another company, and that way you can do it without having your mother there. Or you could think about trying to get into college again, or see if there are any part time courses available anywhere

              Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:58:28 UTC from web
              1. @trister I am currently doing some maths and English in college on the side, im off there in 15 minutes actually, I just... Don't know....

                Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:00:28 UTC from web
                1. @purplephish20 at the end of the day it's better to go for what you want. If this isn't making you happy, which it obviously isn't at the moment, then you need to act on it and change how things are going. If you want to go back into IT then go for it, try to get on a course as soon as possible. If you want to stay with catering then try to find another company, but either way you'll have to be proactive

                  Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 18:02:34 UTC from web