Chris Bell (mrdragon)'s status on Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:49:05 UTC

  1. @purplephish20 I'm going to speak the truth, if she doesn't like you, don't concern yourself. Never try to make everyone happy, happiness is finding people to spend it with. You can't make everyone happy, don't try to impress everyone just those that want to impress you. The ones that call you perfect despite the flaws you may feel you have. If she's not going to be happy with who you are, don't change for her. It's not worth it, let your family eat at itself, of she's to close minded to see her problems it'll be her downfall and I am afraid you can't change that without her doing it for herself.

    Tuesday, 07-Feb-12 17:49:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context