For absolutely no reason, I'm going to be the host of an RDN (DDN) election. Dash your vote, or PM somepony with the username of the pony you're voting for (or me). Anypony can be a candidate, and anypony can !promote your vote.
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:36:19 UTC from web-
@zimzap I nominate myself for Emperor and or Empress.
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:36:58 UTC from web -
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:37:11 UTC from web
@zimzap Scoot Nukem for best pony.
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:38:44 UTC from web-
@scootnukem ... I drop out. #WEREDOOMED
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:39:00 UTC from web
@zimzap *puts a cookie in the voting jar*
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:38:55 UTC from web -
@zimzap @eaglehooves for um.. Whatever the position name is! Muffins for everypony!
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:39:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@greatandpowerfuleaglehooves *may or may not be redeemable for actual muffins. Your mileage may vary.
Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 01:40:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone