

  1. yay I did it ^o^

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 04:55:42 UTC from web
    1. @chaosmagic YAY for victory, now what did ya do

      Monday, 12-Mar-12 04:57:00 UTC from web
      1. @bronyalex Someone made a very cute pic of my OCs but didn't added cutiemark by chaosmagic so I had to add it

        Monday, 12-Mar-12 04:57:55 UTC from web
        1. @chaosmagic I have a blank flank on my OC ._.

          Monday, 12-Mar-12 04:58:26 UTC from web
          1. @bronyalex has he no talents or do you have problems coming up with something

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 04:59:18 UTC from web
            1. @chaosmagic A mix of both, and my talents I don't really want them permanently put on my pony butt so I will have to think, and crusade for my cutie mark

              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:00:26 UTC from web
              1. @bronyalex It's good to think it through :3

                Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:01:17 UTC from web
                1. @chaosmagic yes cause I don't really want a pencil on my flank or a pair of roller blades on it either so yes I will have to think

                  Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:02:10 UTC from web
                  1. @bronyalex Many ppl have pencil related stuff as cutiemark xD

                    Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:03:11 UTC from web
                    1. @chaosmagic haha but I want something a bit different, more unique so I am a cutie mark crusader as of now

                      Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:04:17 UTC from web
                      1. @bronyalex That's why mine is a fouled anchor - a tribute to my naval experience.

                        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:04:59 UTC from web
                        1. @chiefanchor Haha I can see by your avatar there, you seem to have gone on many adventures in your life time as a pony

                          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:05:48 UTC from web
                          1. @bronyalex And that's why I use the # hashtag every so often :3

                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:06:13 UTC from web
                            1. @chiefanchor Haha I saw that once just eavesdropping on the chat one day

                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:07:19 UTC from web
                      2. @bronyalex My cutiemark is unique. It's a stylish magic casting circle :D

                        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:05:13 UTC from web
                        1. @chaosmagic Sounds cool, but my talent has yet to appear, any pony else here have a blank flank?

                          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:06:36 UTC from web
                          1. @bronyalex me. let's crusade! woo!

                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:08:21 UTC from web
                            1. @zimzap Yes, any pony is willing to join us at any time, but I think my crusading may take a while considering I may still be a filly

                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:09:04 UTC from web
                              1. @bronyalex yeah. i like art and stuff, but I need a lot of practice, i don't think it would permanantly go on my ponybutt

                                Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:10:02 UTC from web
                                1. @zimzap Yea mine to, but if I was good at art I don't think it would appear on my butt, I mean look at scootaloo for a prime example, rides a scooter named scootaloo, and doesn't know her talent, I would probably be like that

                                  Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:11:13 UTC from web
                                  1. @bronyalex your name is @bronyalex and you hang out with us...

                                    Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:12:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                    1. @pugs911 yes siree

                                      Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:12:35 UTC from web
                                    2. @pugs911 Why is there something wrong with my name? oh no if I must change it I will

                                      Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:13:06 UTC from web
                                      1. @bronyalex no no no...

                                        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:15:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                        1. @pugs911 Ok, Ok , Ok

                                          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:15:22 UTC from web
                                          1. @bronyalex the no no no was to earlyer,

                                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:16:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                            1. @pugs911 Ah i see

                                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:17:43 UTC from web
                          2. @bronyalex my flank is no longer blank!

                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:09:11 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                            1. @pugs911 what appeared onto your pony butt my good friend

                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:09:37 UTC from web
                              1. @bronyalex my ps3 controller

                                Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:10:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                1. @pugs911 Haha wut? well if your really good at Ps3 then I say go for it, it's your special thing and i'm not onee to criticize

                                  Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:12:20 UTC from web
                                  1. @bronyalex i have a job in mind that would like me...

                                    Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:13:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                    1. @pugs911 Ah and what would that certain job be my friend?

                                      Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:14:33 UTC from web
                                      1. @bronyalex Rooster Teeth

                                        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:15:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                        1. @pugs911 Ah yes, I love their content they put out, especially the red vs blue, and how michael the rage quit guy is a possible brony

                                          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:17:22 UTC from web
                                          1. @bronyalex Jack is a brony... He does fails of the weak

                                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:18:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                            1. @pugs911 @chaosmagic We should all crusade together

                                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:22:42 UTC from web
                                              1. @bronyalex I has a blankflank :D

                                                Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:26:06 UTC from web
                                                1. @chaosmagic Yes, what pony race are you by the way , im a pegasus. just wondering

                                                  Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:26:54 UTC from web
                                                  1. @bronyalex I has for now 2 unicorns and 1 earthpony. I also plan to make a joke alicorn oc.

                                                    Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:27:55 UTC from web
                                                    1. @chaosmagic I only have one OC and am only planning on having only one

                                                      Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:28:51 UTC from web
                                                      1. @bronyalex Chaosmagic is my main one wich should be obvious cause I has his name as my username and I have him always as my avatar xD

                                                        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:29:56 UTC from web
                                                        1. @chaosmagic My ponies name is not brony alex, that name was already taken so my ponies name is sketch

                                                          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:30:45 UTC from web
                                                          1. @bronyalex My other ocs are named spezbreeze and midnightshine. The joke alicorn will be named uno riginal :D

                                                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:32:11 UTC from web
                                                            1. @chaosmagic Haha I get it

                                                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:33:29 UTC from web
                                                              1. @bronyalex Its magical glow is rainbow coloured and his talent is creating OCs. The cutiemark is the fausticorn facehooving.

                                                                Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:35:11 UTC from web
                                                                1. @chaosmagic Call him Donut Steel.

                                                                  Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:36:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                  1. @redenchilada Nah that's overused and I came up with the name ''uno riginal'' by myself

                                                                    Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:37:51 UTC from web
                          3. @bronyalex I just came up with his cutiemark story. One day his mane was such a mane and he was looking all day in the mirror then bam and suddenly the magiks and his mane was awesome :D

                            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:19:00 UTC from web
                            1. @chaosmagic DE MAGICKS!

                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:19:46 UTC from web
                            2. @chaosmagic exiting...

                              Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:19:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone