

  1. I just realized I've spent the last week doing nothing but playing StepMania. I should do something different tomorrow.

    Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:13:08 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @redenchilada Play Stepmania... With your screen upside down.

      Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:14:29 UTC from web
      1. @minti play StepMania with the screen in spaaaaccceee!

        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:15:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @lyokotravels i play skyrim

          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:17:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          1. @pugs911 oh.

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:19:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      2. @minti I could play it in a box, or I could play it with a fox!

        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:16:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
      3. @minti Well, there're mods that reverse the play screen...

        Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:20:28 UTC from web
        1. @chiefanchor I know, but it doesn't move the life bar and such. XD

          Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:20:42 UTC from web
          1. @minti Oh, good point.

            Monday, 12-Mar-12 05:20:56 UTC from web