

  1. i said i was going to sleep, but as the usual i'm totally awake now ¬¬

    Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:06:03 UTC from web
    1. @mushi Sleep? Buck sleep.

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:06:23 UTC from web
      1. @chiefanchor i have a crystalography class tomorrow

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:08:17 UTC from web
        1. @mushi will you chart and draw crystals in Crystalography?

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:10:06 UTC from web
          1. @pony i dont even know, that willbe my first class

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:11:04 UTC from web
            1. @mushi cool! Hope you have fun in any case.

              Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:11:35 UTC from web
              1. @pony i want the crystalography since i got in the college, 5 semmesters ago =D

                Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:12:35 UTC from web
    2. @mushi Is it cause the amazing spoiler @doates gave us I am raging so hard right now but in a good way

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:07:18 UTC from web
      1. @bronyalex DAMN SPOILER

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:08:44 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Hey I used rot13 and I didn't sau anytjing :D

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:09:04 UTC from web
          1. @bronyalex say anything*

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:09:11 UTC from web
          2. @bronyalex ROT13 SPOILERS ARE THE BEST SPOILERS

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:09:52 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Yes I love them, when I read them and they are amazing I rage so hard but a good kind of pony induced loving rage

              Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 01:11:28 UTC from web