

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @greydragon412 nonchalant level OVER 20%

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:38:17 UTC from web
    2. @greydragon412 Also hey. Welcome back, officially. :p

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:40:42 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412 overu eitodousandu!

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:40:44 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 Yeah I'm basically a # here. Joined after you were banned I'm pretty sure.

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:43:40 UTC from web
      1. @minti heh, i have to admit, he does an amazing job on the songs

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:45:32 UTC from web
        1. @decibel He does. I'm secretly one of his fanboys, don't tell him >_>

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:46:17 UTC from web
          1. @minti Don't worry, i wont

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:47:01 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 ponies can come back from bannation?

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:45:53 UTC from web
      1. @getacutiemark nightmare moon could

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:46:39 UTC from web
        1. @mushi true dat.

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:47:15 UTC from web
      2. @getacutiemark Greydragon's a rare case, I believe... most others have given more reason for them to stay banneded every time they came back.

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:47:42 UTC from web
        1. @chiefanchor i see...

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:49:22 UTC from web
    6. @greydragon412 nice.... i thought i would be banned a few times...

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:47:30 UTC from web
      1. @getacutiemark @chiefanchor Yeah. As far as I know Red has him on a "You do ANYTHING wrong and I ban your flank to the next town." right now.

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:48:26 UTC from web
        1. @minti sweet. he's a puritan mod.

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:49:36 UTC from web
          1. @getacutiemark in a literal sense.

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:49:44 UTC from web
    7. @greydragon412 Unusual can be good :3

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:49:25 UTC from web
    8. @greydragon412 hey grey. havent seen you in forever. how are ya?

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:49:26 UTC from web
    9. @greydragon412 i've helped @forestrain with lyrics for a song. and played xbox. not much changed

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:51:25 UTC from web
      1. @decibel You still around? >.>

        Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 00:56:24 UTC from web
        1. @forestrain man! paypal wont let me create an acc D=

          Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 00:58:13 UTC from web
          1. @mushi ...Why?

            Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 00:58:27 UTC from web
            1. @forestrain they they dont let me to skip the second step, wich envolves the number of the credit card

              Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:00:49 UTC from web
              1. @mushi ;_; They never used to require a credit card. >.>

                Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:03:24 UTC from web
                1. @forestrain let me take a screen

                  Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:05:10 UTC from web
                2. @forestrain wait, looks like they skiped itnoe

                  Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:05:53 UTC from web
              2. @mushi Are you talking about "verification"? You don't necessarily have to do that, as far as I know. There may be a limit on the amount of transactions you can do per month or something, but you should still be able to receive money and put it into your bank account. >.>

                Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:04:44 UTC from web
                1. @forestrain they askes the naumer, and when i tried to go to the next step they were like hurr gimme your numburr. But looks like i found a way! Now i only need to know how to use the acc

                  Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:09:29 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi Cool! Well, there's a verification process for your bank account, where they'll deposit two small amounts (like $0.71, and $0.66), and you enter in the amounts on a verification page. -- That will ensure that Paypal is setup properly with your bank account.

                    Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:11:25 UTC from web
                    1. @forestrain wait, my e-mail is one dot far from the right one D=

                      Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:12:53 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi Lol, I can't help with that! You should know your email! Bad Mushi! *bangs head with celery stick*

                        Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:13:49 UTC from web
                    2. @forestrain nah, they just did not send me a e-mail to confirm O_o

                      Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 01:14:01 UTC from web
        2. @forestrain im listening to your song right now... ist so good

          Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 00:58:35 UTC from web
          1. @pugs911 Cool! ^.^ Which one?

            Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 00:59:36 UTC from web
            1. @forestrain join the herd

              Wednesday, 14-Mar-12 00:59:52 UTC from web
    10. @greydragon412 speaking of xbox, did you delete me from your friends list or did you change your gamer tag?

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:52:32 UTC from web
    11. @greydragon412 xD I have way too many usernames. Tylian, ImmaTyger, Emblem, Minti, bleh. I should just stick to one.

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:55:00 UTC from web
      1. @minti Stick with Minti

        Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:55:33 UTC from web
        1. @princesshugs Tylian's been my alias for years thouuughh. D:

          Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:56:11 UTC from web
          1. @minti Stumperman's been my alias... Wait it still is xD Minti sounds better though than Tulauin.

            Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:56:50 UTC from web
    12. @greydragon412 Megamario95

      Tuesday, 13-Mar-12 21:55:00 UTC from web