

  1. I see all this talk about coding from @minti and @ponydude and I'm just like lolwut because all I know is a little bit of python.

    Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:28:25 UTC from web
    1. @zimzap Congrats, you know more python than me. Parsletounge!

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:29:25 UTC from web
      1. @minti i learned it from a book that was for kids, so it was pretty simple. i can barely remember, but i wrote all the programs the book told me to, if i go back i'll remember. It's a pretty simple code, but I haven't learned any others, so whatever.

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:31:58 UTC from web
    2. @aeniug2 ... That sounds exactly like me. I spend 90% of my time looking at code and trying to rewrite it to be faster / smaller

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:30:56 UTC from web
      1. @minti Dang it, now I have that stupid Daft Punk song stuck in my head

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:31:25 UTC from web
    3. @yuri no

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:34:04 UTC from web
    4. @ponydude I dunno. :p

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:34:19 UTC from web
    5. @yuri Sorry what was that, I was watching my script execute 100,000 times per second.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:35:04 UTC from web
    6. @yuri programming, for me at least, has some basic rules to follow: IT ALWAYS NEEDS MORE FANCY LIGHTS, it always needs more sensors, it always needs to be better, ALWAYS.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:35:56 UTC from web
      1. @aeniug2 And, of course, "Real programmers don't comment. It was hard to write, it should be hard to read!"

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:37:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @scribus I'm terrible about not commenting my code. It's too easy for me to look at a chunk and say "oh yeah, that loads the map array from a txt file."

          Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:38:47 UTC from StatusNet Android

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:37:08 UTC from StatusNet Android
    8. @yuri Nahh... They don't have enough flashy lights.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:38:07 UTC from web
    9. @aeniug2 lol. What does Kittens represent?

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:40:35 UTC from web
      1. @forestrain I believe it currently represents a fixed speed percentage that is used to allow you to hold down a button to eliminate proportional scaling of robot speed and maintain only one speed no matter what the magnitude of the joystick.

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:42:01 UTC from web
    10. @ponydude That makes no sense and all of the sense all at once...

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:42:54 UTC from web
    11. @ponydude That would be glorious.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:43:34 UTC from web
    12. @ponydude Ooh, ooh, now compare it with Windows. ME in particular.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:44:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @redenchilada Windows has misinterpreted the need for more flashy lights... they decided that we all wanted more shiny facebook and less functionality

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:45:36 UTC from web
      2. @redenchilada lol

        Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:45:51 UTC from web
    13. @aeniug2 That is terrible, how can you live with yourself? :p

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:45:04 UTC from web
    14. @aeniug2 Hehe I love your programming style... I was notorious for bad variable names... sub AC1 would contain varables a1- c 10 and would all interact with the table AA

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:50:48 UTC from web
    15. @ponydude But allowing air into a bulb causes the whole thing to stop, if I'm remembering my random trivia correctly.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:51:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
    16. @ponydude I'm surprised. I would've thought you'd use good variable naming habits.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:56:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
    17. @ponydude I personally go OCD crazy if I'm writing a program of any sort that doesn't have descriptive names for everything.

      Thursday, 15-Mar-12 03:58:50 UTC from StatusNet Android