

  1. This is rather interesting.

    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:31:45 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark It is. The people who have job as a reviewer gives professional reviews while the consumer say other wise.

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:32:52 UTC from web
      1. @doates Meanwhile, in my opinion... "Well, the consumer is less likely to have been bought off."

        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:33:55 UTC from web
        1. @scribus Consumers aren't always smart, though. Ever seen Portal reviews?

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:35:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @redenchilada Honestly, I don't pay much attention to reviews from anyone whose taste I'm not already deeply familiar with. And sometimes, it's specifically because I know how often I disagree with them.

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:36:06 UTC from web
          2. @redenchilada 'It's a shame the game ends with you falling into that fire pit"

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:36:47 UTC from web
          3. @redenchilada I have only heard good reviews by players. Mostly what I myself think of the game; yet again, I only hear/read reviews from sources I agree with.

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:37:16 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos "it would be so much better if you could shoot people" -CoDbananass

              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:39:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @redenchilada >Implying you could find something to shoot at. "It's a kid's game, talks about cake"

                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:42:03 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos "I thiught it woukd be a shooter 0/10" -CoDapples69

                  Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:42:51 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @redenchilada Fun thing, I played that game at 5-20 FPS. Still managed to finish and love it. I want to replay it to do the entire game arrying an object.

                    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:45:49 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos I played the game with a graphics card that couldn't draw portals properly. They were just holes.

                      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:46:50 UTC from web
                      1. @ceruleanspark Heh. Mine was a GeForce 6200. The Radeon 9600pro was incompatible.

                        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:47:40 UTC from web
        2. @scribus I be tehy are complaining about the ending of the game. I say: Its just a game and I get attacked.

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:36:32 UTC from web
          1. @doates I also haven't played any of them, so. . . I really have no idea what the fuss is. As far as I can understand from my reading, people are mad because it wasn't a Super Happy Fun Time Ending of Supreme Joy (seven exclamation points).

            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:38:15 UTC from web
            1. @scribus People aren't mad because it isn't a happy ending, they're mad because the ending they were given completely ignores everything you've done up to that point.

              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:41:06 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark Ah, that sounds more valid. But even still, you know, it's a cold and unfeeling 'verse. Or something. Hay! David Lynch should work on a video game! Then you'll never know if it ignored everything you did, or who you were even playing, or if it's even over yet...

                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:42:14 UTC from web
                1. @scribus The primary motif of the series has always been "Your choices determine your situation". Then, for the climax of the series, they remove all your choices.

                  Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:44:08 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark Best endings are Dragon Age style, you get a narration determined by every single thing you did.

                    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:46:58 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos Fallout had that way before Dragon Age

                      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:47:24 UTC from web
                      1. @ceruleanspark Sadly I haven't finished any Fallout :( I don't know if it's the barren landscape or the fact that (at least in Fallout 3) there's hardly any challenge, since everything can be easily fixed playing as a tactic sharpshooter. Even deathclaws running at you fall easily to the sniper rifle.

                        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:49:18 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos If you set your stats up right they fall easily to being punched in the face too.

                          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:50:03 UTC from web
                          1. @ceruleanspark That. I have that. That pony. Yes. Pony. Pony pony pony.

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:51:38 UTC from web
                            1. @lightningcrash Pony pony pony pony?

                              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:52:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                              1. @greatandpowerfuleaglehooves Pony pony pony pony. PONY.

                                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:56:26 UTC from web
                          2. @ceruleanspark Yup. Still, everypony always told me "Choose energy weapons, choose energy weapons" I hate them and classical weapons excel at what they do. I carry constantly an assault rifle, a couple greanades, a sword an a sniper.

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:52:13 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos I used to hate energy weapons, but having done an NV run with them, they've really grown on me as a means of solving people problems

                              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:53:13 UTC from web
                              1. @ceruleanspark Thing is, they use ammo too, and look uglier. Why bother? The only energy weapon (if it can be classified as that) I liked was a Coilgun from a mod.

                                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:54:46 UTC from web
                                1. @nerthos They have a better crit rate and interchangeable ammo. I still like my .308 though.

                                  Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:56:53 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                                2. @nerthos There's a Gauss gun in one of the DLC's and NV. My avatar is carrying one actually. NV also introduces energy weapons with infinite ammo, as wel as various mods that allow conventional energy weapons to regenerate ammunition. Also, the flamethrower is an energy weapon. I love flamethrowers!

                                  Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:58:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                  1. @ceruleanspark I love the Tesla Cannon. This is my favorite New Vegas weapon:

                                    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:59:52 UTC from web
                                  2. @ceruleanspark A shame flamethrowers are banned IRL. I don't know why, but electromagnetic weapons are something I love greatly. Maybe because of their infinite potential or the fact I can build one with little effort.

                                    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 14:02:19 UTC from web
                        2. @nerthos Fallout: New Vegas fixes every problem I had with Fallout 3. Especially the Deathclaws. They never get easy to kill.

                          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:50:47 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel Its a shame NV lacks so much of FO3's atmosphere. The technical improvements alone make it worth playing of course,

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:51:46 UTC from web
                            1. @ceruleanspark I prefer NV's atmosphere, to be quite honest. FO3 bores me pretty quickly.

                              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:52:40 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel I feel like the game flow changed a lot too. From many disparate quest-givers to quest-hubs.

                                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:54:05 UTC from web
                                1. @ceruleanspark I never really got that feeling from it… especially since there's *so many* quests (a lot of them faction-based). It's kinda hard to define a side-quest in the game since everything ties into the overall storyline somehow.

                                  Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:57:12 UTC from web
                          2. @toksyuryel I have yet to finish 3 to play it.

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:52:35 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos You don't need to finish 3 to play it. I never got more than halfway through 3 before I quit out of boredom. Fallout: New Vegas is as much related to Fallout 3 as Final Fantasy VII is related to Final Fantasy VI.

                              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:54:05 UTC from web
                        3. @nerthos New Vegas fixes these problem so well that I actually beat the game twice to see different endings, and I got about halfway through a third run before I decided I should probably do more with my time than play one game all day every day.

                          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:52:01 UTC from web
                          1. @toksyuryel Happened to me with Oblivion, but mostly because there were too few enemies on screen, so I just got OP too early on the game, and difficulty only made the fights longer, because enemies barely hit me.

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:53:40 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos Oblivion was even more boring to me than Fallout 3 is. Never got more than a third of the way through that one.

                              Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:54:32 UTC from web
                              1. @toksyuryel I don't know why, but that game enthralled me to no extent.

                                Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:57:02 UTC from web
                        4. @nerthos Yeah. I like a sniper build for my first playthrough, so I can see the story without too much difficulty, but it is _definitely_ not what I'd choose when replaying it for the challenge. #

                          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:53:59 UTC from IdentiCurse
                          1. @spectrumscramble I just played close range headshooting everything sometimes.

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:55:18 UTC from web
                        5. @nerthos Melee is quite a fun option for a challenging playthrough, I find. More so in New Vegas than in 3, though; good melee weapons were generally easier to come by in 3.

                          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:55:27 UTC from IdentiCurse
                          1. @spectrumscramble I barely used anything but the sword.

                            Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:56:00 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark I have yet to play many of them.

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 13:35:39 UTC from web