

  1. sooo, whos the youngest?

    Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:51:01 UTC from IdentiCurse
    1. @techdisk42 if the kfcguy is being honest, 11

      Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:52:12 UTC from web
      1. @pony I am

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:53:27 UTC from web
        1. @thatguyfromkfc keep being awesome my young friend

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:56:50 UTC from web
      2. @pony Lol, i was toatally expecting myself to be the youngest. being born December 25, 1995 usually puts you squarely in the "youngest" slot.

        Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:53:43 UTC from IdentiCurse
        1. @techdisk42 Your birthday is 12 days after mine :D

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:54:29 UTC from web
          1. @dlcentaur Lol, i've met very few that are after mine!

            Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:56:16 UTC from IdentiCurse
            1. @techdisk42 Well, my birthDAY is 12 days after yours....but 3 years before xD

              Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:57:52 UTC from web
        2. @techdisk42 Unless you were born on 10th July 2000 :3

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:54:55 UTC from web
        3. @techdisk42 16 is pretty young but youth is all relative anyway.

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:55:00 UTC from web
        4. @techdisk42 Random fun fact: I was due Christmas '94, but I got tired of waiting around in there so I came out early.

          Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:58:20 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @redenchilada I was due a whole month earlier than when I was born....I've always been a late sleeper, lol.

            Thursday, 05-Apr-12 13:59:10 UTC from web
          2. @redenchilada Random fun fact: i was born through cesearian section.

            Thursday, 05-Apr-12 14:00:20 UTC from IdentiCurse
            1. @techdisk42 ...Me too! ...yay?

              Thursday, 05-Apr-12 14:02:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @techdisk42 @redenchilada Fun fact: My mother is convinced that the way I was delivered (Ventouse Extraction) is responsible for my various flavours of neurological defect.

              Thursday, 05-Apr-12 14:03:12 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark I highly doubt there's any research supporting that. I could be wrong though

                Thursday, 05-Apr-12 14:04:24 UTC from web