

  1. If any of my "friends" thought I were gay for liking PONY, I'd abandon them and get new friends. Effing homophobia...

    Sunday, 15-May-11 22:14:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @thewolverine haterz gonna hate. I still love them though. they have always thought i was gay, so it's no big deal

      Sunday, 15-May-11 22:17:12 UTC from web
      1. @nightwillow *starts skidding across the floor on my head*

        Sunday, 15-May-11 22:18:07 UTC from web
    2. @thewolverine yup i have a girlfirend and she's the only one who knows.. if i told my bros i would have to deal with a grapesstorm of ignorance

      Sunday, 15-May-11 22:17:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    3. @thewolverine If they got the wrong impression from the observation that you liked it, but it didn't change their way of responding to you or treating you as a friend, I don't think abandoning them for being wrong would be the proper response. It's different if they thought you were gay, and then treated you negatively for it. People misjudge and miscommunicate all the time. That's a part of being people.

      Sunday, 15-May-11 22:18:55 UTC from web
      1. @retl Eh, it's more to do with a friend of mine who refuses to give FiM a chance because it has the MLP name attached to it, and the fact he states that "his friends would think [he's] sexually repressed" or some crap like that. I was like, "HUH? You're older than me and you're worried about THAT?"

        Sunday, 15-May-11 22:23:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @thewolverine exactly

          Sunday, 15-May-11 22:26:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @thewolverine LOL, I got tons of stories like that from BEFORE FiM... Immagine what would happen if I'd drop the FiM-bomb on em :P

          Sunday, 15-May-11 22:37:47 UTC from web
      2. @retl @thewolverine If my friends thought i was gay for watching ponies, i would say "lol, nah." and then convert them to bronies.

        Sunday, 15-May-11 22:27:27 UTC from web
        1. @nutterguy Conversion? I support conversion

          Sunday, 15-May-11 22:28:30 UTC from web
    4. @thewolverine I don't see what's gay about watching a show about a bunch of naked teenagers. #

      Sunday, 15-May-11 22:23:39 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin Wait what oh god I just realized this. HOWEVER, although they seem like teenagers, most of them are self-sufficient enough to be considered adults. Maybe ponies are more independent than us humans?

        Sunday, 15-May-11 22:28:02 UTC from web
        1. @ickus Correct!

          Sunday, 15-May-11 22:32:50 UTC from web
        2. @ickus keep in mind that rarity owns her own dress shop

          Sunday, 15-May-11 22:38:58 UTC from web
      2. @thelastgherkin And then that became on the first page of favorites.

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 01:38:29 UTC from web
      3. @thelastgherkin rofl

        Tuesday, 17-May-11 01:43:33 UTC from web
      4. @thelastgherkin This is funny in retrospect.

        Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 19:46:58 UTC from web