

  1. back from my pony hating parents' house

    Monday, 16-May-11 01:57:19 UTC from web
    1. @delc17 did you burn it down with lemons?

      Monday, 16-May-11 01:58:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @amadman The COMBUSTIBLE lemons?

        Monday, 16-May-11 01:59:07 UTC from web
    2. @delc17 Comrade! You've returned! How was it?

      Monday, 16-May-11 01:59:37 UTC from web
      1. @loak Heyas loak. Welcome back to the fold. @ickus pretty bad. Mom found my facebook and got mad at me for having ponies on it, saying prospective employers may consider me strange for liking ponies at 31 years of age. @amadman no, i did not

        Monday, 16-May-11 02:04:10 UTC from web
        1. @delc17 WAT. Seriously, it's your Facebook, you can have what you want on it. As long as it ain't illegal, of course

          Monday, 16-May-11 02:06:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        2. @delc17 Thank you, welcome back to you too~

          Monday, 16-May-11 02:07:00 UTC from web
        3. @delc17 Ouch, I mean, it sounds like they're just being concerned, but no need to hate.

          Monday, 16-May-11 02:07:06 UTC from web
          1. @ickus well, mom said she may start recommending i go to a shrink again. It's pretty bad. Im just glad she didnt check my comp while i was there. since i was on rdn and EQD

            Monday, 16-May-11 02:08:08 UTC from web
            1. @delc17 I'm with @starshine

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:08:49 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            2. @delc17 That's just silly. A shrink?

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:09:08 UTC from web
            3. @delc17 yeah it might scare off future employers but i wouldnt care, i would do it anyway

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:09:35 UTC from web
            4. @delc17 > implying Equestria Daily and RDN doesn't help any situation.

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:11:54 UTC from web
            5. @delc17 I think your parents are the ones who should be seeing the shrink, for their inability to LET GO.

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:14:52 UTC from web
        4. @delc17 If that were my parents I'd be telling them to pull the 2x4s from their posterior.

          Monday, 16-May-11 02:08:05 UTC from web
        5. @delc17 Lol I told my super-christian dad about ponies. He took it as me being gay and I was kicked outta my house for three days. So it could be worse.

          Monday, 16-May-11 02:10:10 UTC from web
          1. @acceleratinguniverse Wow, thats sounds like something My dad would do D: *hugs*

            Monday, 16-May-11 02:11:57 UTC from web
            1. @magicrussia @acceleratinguniverse Jeez what is it with you guys all having such closed-minded parents?

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:14:18 UTC from web
              1. @starshine That's what I'm thinking!!! wtf

                Monday, 16-May-11 02:15:07 UTC from web
          2. @acceleratinguniverse Wait, what the heck?! I thought Christians loved "all of God's children", which meant everyone.

            Monday, 16-May-11 02:13:23 UTC from web
            1. @zarkanorf Apparently they love all of God's children but their own children. I belong to a super fundamentalist family who believes that following the Bible is more important than that thing Jesus said was more important than everything else "Love your neighbor as yourself." I'm not even Christian anymore because of people like my parents.

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:15:44 UTC from web
              1. @acceleratinguniverse *is a Christian actually, but I'm so tired of that holier-than-Thou crap that so-called "Christians" spout all the time* It's like I'm a fan of Jesus Christ but all this crap that goes with it all just mangoeses me off.

                Monday, 16-May-11 02:18:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              2. @acceleratinguniverse I swear to God, those kinds of people have some messed up version of the Bible not available to the public, because there is just more than Jesus saying it that the Bible demands to "love your neighbor".

                Monday, 16-May-11 02:19:42 UTC from web
          3. @acceleratinguniverse ive told everyone i know about ponies. except my parents, for this very reason.

            Monday, 16-May-11 02:13:27 UTC from web
            1. @garyyo I've told my parents about it. Dad and step-mom giggled about it and accepted me anyways and my mom just said, "Well, at least it's not cocaine you're addicted to."

              Monday, 16-May-11 02:14:53 UTC from web
              1. @zarkanorf my mom cought me having the mcdonalds toys and basically made fun off me for it(the standard "why are you playing with little girl toys? are you a little girl now?"). that doesn't feel good, i can take abuse from everyone else but not my own parents, so im going to hold off on telling them.

                Monday, 16-May-11 02:19:03 UTC from web
                1. @garyyo I contro- I mean love my parents. On an unrelated note anyone else want to kill Sigmund Freud?

                  Monday, 16-May-11 02:20:59 UTC from web
                  1. @onixus You can't kill dead people. Just a heads up.

                    Monday, 16-May-11 02:26:35 UTC from web
                    1. @ponybis zombies just sayin

                      Monday, 16-May-11 02:27:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                      1. @amadman Zombies, by definition, are simply animated corpses and not alive. Something must be alive to kill. Thus you still cannot kill them. Because they're still dead.

                        Monday, 16-May-11 02:29:04 UTC from web
              2. @zarkanorf im not taking my chances. they are already quite upset with me most of the time.

                Monday, 16-May-11 02:22:53 UTC from web