

  1. This made me SOOO happy! You American voters need to vote for him.

    Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 05:57:04 UTC from web
    1. @danielmikaelson why would we EVER vote for him?

      Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:00:36 UTC from web
      1. @alargesmallhorse Because he's the best candidate there is. Unless you want end-less war and socialism.

        Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:28:40 UTC from web
        1. @danielmikaelson Whatever. he's not gonna get the nomination.

          Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:29:34 UTC from web
          1. @alargesmallhorse Yeah, listen to the mainstream media, they never brainwash people or anything...

            Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:30:44 UTC from web
            1. @danielmikaelson @alargesmallhorse Miss Rarity declares an end to the political discussion!

              Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:33:03 UTC from web
              1. @rarity A very prudent idea. I know this discussion will hit some of my red buttons if it doesn't stop.

                Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:34:48 UTC from web
              2. @rarity Agreed.

                Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:35:15 UTC from web
              3. @rarity This conversation: him:"Obama is ruining america. Vote Ron Paul." Me:"This isn't a political discussion" You: "stop this political discussion"

                Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:37:41 UTC from web
                1. @alargesmallhorse I don't even know, I just didn't like the direction it was going.

                  Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:39:54 UTC from web
                  1. @rarity I like the direction it was going. Obama to the White House and Ron Paul to the retirement home.

                    Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:41:19 UTC from web
                2. @alargesmallhorse 1) I never posted anything about Obama. 2) You initiated the debate, and when I responded to you you accused me of provoking you. Stop lieing dude.

                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:53:37 UTC from web
                  1. @danielmikaelson The first one to post "you Americans should vote for X!" is the one who initiates the debate.

                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:54:48 UTC from web
                    1. @redenchilada It was in humour. Dear God did no one see the pony in the picture?

                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:55:23 UTC from web
                      1. @danielmikaelson The original post shows no signs of joking.

                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:56:52 UTC from web
                        1. @redenchilada Really? Did you see the pony? The fact that Rainbow Dash was in it should've given them a clue to me... My apologize that the sense of humour here is different that what I am used to.

                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:59:01 UTC from web
                          1. @danielmikaelson Ponies don't turn anything into a joke, though.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:00:16 UTC from web
                          2. @danielmikaelson No. You don't get to spend several posts and thousands of characters ranting, then play the humor card. Drop it, and mind your feet as it falls.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:00:49 UTC from web
                            1. @scribus I was responding to someone. I never sent those posts to you, I don't see the issue. So butt out. The humour was for the Ron Paul post days ago that you weren't there for. So you don't even know what you are talking about.

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:03:17 UTC from web
                              1. @danielmikaelson Yeah, I'm a mod, don't tell me to butt out when you're disrupting the site. And I can see the context. That's warning 2, watch yourself.

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:25 UTC from web
                                1. @scribus Please explain how I disrupt the site when I respond to a post someone directed at me? I didn't direct them at anyone else, so simply put. I don't understand where this commotion came from.

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:06:42 UTC from web
                                  1. @danielmikaelson Because you've stirred up a proverbial hornets' nest, been told to drop it, and you won't. Warning 2.5, seriously close to silencing. Just. Drop. It.

                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:07:23 UTC from web
                              2. @danielmikaelson @scribus is it wrong that I like where this is going?

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:26 UTC from web
                                1. @rarity That's just, like, your opinion, man. :p

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:06:23 UTC from web
                              3. @danielmikaelson bro, in context works for a matter such as this.

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:51 UTC from web
                  2. @danielmikaelson Dude, it's days old, drop it or get dropped. To clarify: No one wants to have this debate, you will be silenced if you don't stop. I appreciate your viewpoint and respect it and your right to have it, but this is not the place.

                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:56:25 UTC from web
                    1. @scribus @danielmikaelson Besides, the purple quesadilla is immune to humor.

                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:57:32 UTC from web
                      1. @colfax I'm the king of misinterpreting.

                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:58:22 UTC from web
                        1. @redenchilada I just figured you as thick as two short planks...

                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:59:42 UTC from web
                          1. @colfax I'm about as smart as one, anyway.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:00:48 UTC from web
                      2. @colfax There's this purple cheese I keep meaning to try... It's some kind of wine-soaked cheddar, seems interesting, but never interesting enough to buy when I see it.

                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:59:06 UTC from web
                        1. @scribus I've tried a few different kinds, I wouldn't recommend them.

                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:00:58 UTC from web
                          1. @colfax Duly noted. And with a small amount of sorrow, it seemed so interesting...

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:01:26 UTC from web
                            1. @scribus Hey, you might like them, they just weren't for me.

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:02:35 UTC from web
                              1. @colfax Still, yours is the only recommendation I've had so far, that puts it at 0% for reviews. Maybe I still will, if I can find it again. And I'm not already shelling out massive amounts of cash for drinks. Actually, I think I haven't seen it in a while. I dunno. I'm all over tonight.

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:03:39 UTC from web
                                1. @scribus You always pad review lists with average scores if you have less than five. Doncha know that by now?

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:20 UTC from web
                                  1. @redenchilada I don't know what I know anymore! D':

                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:08:13 UTC from web
                  3. @danielmikaelson Man, I thought this conversation died. You really like provoking people and exaggerating yourself, don't you?

                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:58:01 UTC from web
                    1. @alargesmallhorse I am sure you are provoking me. I am just trying to explain myself. You keep posting the BS. I think they call your type a troll.

                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:00:12 UTC from web
                      1. @danielmikaelson If he's a troll, don't talk to him. Duh.

                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:01:12 UTC from web
                        1. @clarity Is this that "logic" I've heard of in tales of old?

                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:02:02 UTC from web
                          1. @scribus lol what's logic?

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:03:11 UTC from web
                            1. @clarity It's when you observe things and decide to ban everyone involved.

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:03:49 UTC from web
                              1. @redenchilada Well, my face has already been banned...

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:06:31 UTC from web
                            2. @clarity OH THAT REMINDS ME!!! I intend to use the "LOL I DUNNO" dog image in a presentation I have for my art history class! :D

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:05:04 UTC from web
                              1. @scribus OH MY GOSH.

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:08:17 UTC from web
                          2. @scribus

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:07 UTC from web
                        2. @clarity What's the phrase? Don't feed the troll?

                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:40 UTC from web
                          1. @danielmikaelson Yes. But it really should be, "don't take the bait." Which you did.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:07:21 UTC from web
                      2. @danielmikaelson Son, you don't know what a "troll" is if you think I am being one in this scenario.

                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:03:19 UTC from web
        2. @danielmikaelson Socialism? Why do so many americans use that term so inflationary?

          Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:32:26 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony Because I'm Norwegian and grew up in a Socialist government and it is crap.

            Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:37:31 UTC from web
            1. @danielmikaelson Norway is a socialist state? That's the first thing I hear...

              Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:46:46 UTC from web
              1. @hakupony Extremely socialist. With you being German you must know...?

                Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:48:45 UTC from web
                1. @danielmikaelson Founding member of the NATO after Occupation by Germany. Powerhouse econom becuse of oil. Social democrats in charge for quite a while. I don't see the Socialism.

                  Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:55:48 UTC from web
                  1. @hakupony I am more referring to socialism in relation to universal health care (being a welfare state), unions, universal education, and the socialist economic structure in general. TheNorwegian Labour Party is the leading party you speak of.

                    Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 07:06:30 UTC from web
                    1. @danielmikaelson I don't exactl see the bad thing about that. Universal Education is very prudent for every Economy with that much welfare because you need quality to compete since you can't beat Korea with your prices. Therefore, you need highly qualified workers. Universal health care in another thing: noone wants to be left dying and you never know if you don't get cancer or something like that soon. I don't want to lecture you but I honestly don't understand what could be bad about those things...

                      Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 07:14:55 UTC from web
                      1. @hakupony I think it is obviously moral to help others in need, and you should, but you shouldn't force people to pay for everyone else if they don't want to, that is where it is wrong. It is horrible that over 40% of your hard earned money is taken away to pay for a lot of things you may not even agree with (abortions for one). Bad english, by Universal Education, I mean state-run education, I just don't agree with it, too much brainwashing.

                        Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 21:27:10 UTC from web
                        1. @danielmikaelson I don't know what schools you have been in, but I didn't encounter any indoctrination there. You could argue that the system of marks for achievements and the dominant position of a teacher has a minor effect because it "teaches" that achievements are rational and that you have to accept authorities, but you can't prrevent that if you want an education system that helps you find a job...

                          Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 21:41:38 UTC from web
                          1. @hakupony All through school in Norway, and even university here there is indoctrination to what the state believes, even if you don't want it it is shoved down your throat. The fact that it is based off of the Prussian schooling system in most countries is a good enough reason:

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:39:38 UTC from web
                          2. @hakupony School is one's "first job," because the whole purpose of school is to produce good compliant workers for the state. Such a school teaches children to, "stand in line," like good little soldiers, obedient and subservient and when they are grown they will be used to standing in line for their government hand-outs. It does not matter what the symbol is, a flag, a swastika, a picture of the dictator, unquestioned "respect" is all that is required. Teach the children to "share," and when they are grown they will be ready for socialism and redistribution of wealth. There is no need of property rights when everything is "shared." Teach them to play with people who are different, no matter what the difference is, and they will never have any way to judge the lying, cheating and bullying from the honest, decent and self-sufficient. This is nothing but leftist inclusivist multiculturalism.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:41:24 UTC from web
                            1. @danielmikaelson I hate to talk so simply, but tl;dr

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:42:27 UTC from web
                            2. @danielmikaelson Holy damn, that's a simplistic and overzealous worldview! Way to generalize!

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:43:16 UTC from web
                              1. @scribus It's my anti-public education rant. lol

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:45:05 UTC from web
                          3. @hakupony Teach them what, "good behavior in public," is and, "what the consequences are for not following the rules," and you will produce good law-abiding citizens who will obey any law the state chooses to make, because they will know what the state will do to them if they don't. If they are required to report others speaking against the government, for example, they will. Of all the collectivist concepts in that response, this is the most common, the most subtle, and the most corrupting. "They are taught to work as a team." Is there anyone who does not believe this idea and does not repeat it themselves? It sounds so good. If we all just work as a team, well then, everything will be just fine.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:42:15 UTC from web
                          4. @hakupony The "teamwork" concept is meant to replace the legitimate concept of cooperation. People frequently cooperate in various enterprises, because it is in each cooperating individual's interest to do so, and each sees the advantage they gain by participating in that cooperation. No rational person would "cooperate" in an activity that caused him to lose (time, money, or anything else), without any gain or advantage. An individual only joins in cooperation with others when they have some purpose of their own that cooperation fulfills. In the team concept, the purpose is the team's, not that of the individual's who are members of that team. It is frequently put over as something benefiting all the members of the team with such slogans as, "we all win when the team wins," or other meaningless bromides. In fact however, it is assumed that every individual's purposes must be subordinated to the team's purposes, and the word "sacrifice" is frequently used in other slogans.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:42:42 UTC from web
                            1. @danielmikaelson thou art buzzword compliant. You know those buzzwords, and aim to make them sound useful. You meet the buzzword quota most likely in the hopes of increasing the probability of your credibility by some arbitrary percentage.

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:45:09 UTC from web
                              1. @crusader8 Wanna make some Buzzword Bingo cards and have a game?

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:46:10 UTC from web
                                1. @scribus that would be hilarious, and each time it needs to be a different category. Example, for one game the words all pertain to things people say to convince others they are tech saavy

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:47:42 UTC from web
                                  1. @crusader8 Just like my stint at ITT Tech! :D

                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:48:51 UTC from web
                                    1. @scribus there can be buzzword bingo for car knowledge, literature knowledge, physics of all the kinds, hell even video game knowledge has buzzwords (I know this because in order to keep my Gamestop job I had to convince customers I knew things about xbox 360 products)

                                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:51:52 UTC from web
                                      1. @crusader8 Other than "Crap?" #

                                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:52:31 UTC from web
                                        1. @scribus There's also "terrible", "broken", and "the worst game in the series".

                                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:53:47 UTC from web
                                          1. @redenchilada Who knew it was such a diverse system?

                                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:54:34 UTC from web
                                      2. @crusader8 Can we have a set of buzzwords dedicated to playing ITG2? :D

                                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:52:41 UTC from web
                                        1. @redenchilada what's ITG2

                                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:55:17 UTC from web
                                          1. @crusader8 DDR made way better. Do you know what crossovers, jacks, and stream are?

                                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:56:19 UTC from web
                                            1. @redenchilada crossovers are when two companies have popular characters but want money really bad, so they put aside their differences to make a fighting game that features both casts of characters. Jacks are in a poker deck, and streams are things which you cannot cross like they say in Ghostbusters.

                                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:57:59 UTC from web
                                              1. @crusader8 I'm talking about in ITG2 terms.

                                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:58:44 UTC from web
                                              2. @crusader8 Crossovers are hitting the left arrow with your right foot and vice versa, jacks are multiple arrows in a row on the same foot, and stream is a series of 16th tap notes lasting a significant length of time.

                                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:59:44 UTC from web
                                                1. @redenchilada You sure crossovers have nothing to do with Street Fighter nor Marvel heroes?

                                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:00:49 UTC from web
                                                  1. @crusader8 Positive.

                                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:01:37 UTC from web
                                                    1. @redenchilada drat. I do like them fighting games.

                                                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:56 UTC from web
                              2. @crusader8 @redenchilada I'm responding to someone geez.

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:47:23 UTC from web
                                1. @danielmikaelson I see a lot of tl;dr, rambling, and general padding of the words. A thousand characters should be more than enough to argue any claims that are suited for arguing on a site such as this.

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:49:59 UTC from web
                                  1. @redenchilada What is tl;dr? And I can't simplify it, english is my second language, so I tend to go over the top explaining things sometimes...

                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:51:37 UTC from web
                                    1. @danielmikaelson "too long; didn't read".

                                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:52:15 UTC from web
                                  2. @redenchilada Everso moreover vis-a-vi, furthermore and et cetera, to reconsider the point and its necessity of being driven home, one must something something this joke got old before I started it, didn't it?

                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:52:08 UTC from web
                                    1. @scribus I laughed, anyway.

                                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:53:11 UTC from web
                                2. @danielmikaelson Just my 2 cents.

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:50:30 UTC from web
                              3. @crusader8 And I have no idea what a buzzword is

                                Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:48:11 UTC from web
                                1. @danielmikaelson being buzzword compliant means you say all the words that would pertain to a given context without actually using them in a manner that suggest you are familiar with the subject matter in any form. For example, if a guy wants to convince someone he has a legit opinion on 2d fighters but doesn't play them, he'll sew in buzzwords other experts will recognize and pick up on, like frame-advantage and input delay, turtling, sandbagging, etc, in an effort to be perceived as having credibility and knowledge on the subject.

                                  Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:54:54 UTC from web
                                  1. @crusader8 Well that wasn't my intent. I claim not to be an expert, just giving an opinion on how I feel. I apologize if that offended anyone.

                                    Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:57:24 UTC from web
                                    1. @danielmikaelson some advice for thee: don't dress an opinion in dresses that fit facts' bodies better. It means your opinions are crossdressers, and even worse they kill credibility and people you talk to won't give your opinion a chance to be considered.

                                      Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:59:48 UTC from web
                                      1. @crusader8 I'm sorry, not following you. lol

                                        Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:01:33 UTC from web
                                        1. @danielmikaelson Jefferson once observed how facts were difficult to support or explain, whereas opinions were so easy to elaborate on and justify due to how colorful language can be. Referencing this logic, I was suggesting all that stuff you've been saying which you called opinion seemed to be made to sound like fact. When you state your opinions like you would state facts, people catch on and don't like it.

                                          Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:04:36 UTC from web
                                          1. @crusader8 Well it was un-intentional, I wanted it to be my opinion, and not state it as fact. C'est la vie.

                                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 05:07:43 UTC from web
                          5. @hakupony The team concept is nothing but a euphemism for collectivism. Replace the word "team" in the slogan "we all have to make sacrifices for the sake of the team," with "tribe" or "city" or "clan" or "state," or worse, "the company," because, unfortunately many of these collectivist ideas now infect business and industry.

                            Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:42:50 UTC from web
                            1. @danielmikaelson geez, put that in a blog post or something

                              Friday, 27-Apr-12 04:45:47 UTC from web
    2. @alargesmallhorse Please, just let it be. I disagree with him as well, but this is not the place for a flame war...

      Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:38:39 UTC from web
      1. @hakupony and I am not continuing it.

        Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:41:36 UTC from web
    3. @alargesmallhorse Oh, you post an internet meme, you must be so clever.

      Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:39:05 UTC from web
      1. @danielmikaelson This is over. Noone else wants to go farther and I don't either. Also, that's sort of a meme wherein it is a subset of the common "My Face When" seeing as how it was my face when you said that.

        Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:40:22 UTC from web
        1. @alargesmallhorse You started this responding to what I posted...

          Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:43:38 UTC from web
          1. @danielmikaelson You posted political content in the first place

            Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:44:22 UTC from web
            1. @alargesmallhorse And if you want to discuss politics I'm up for it. It's immature to just but in, make negative statements without any supporting evidence, and then leave.

              Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:46:11 UTC from web
              1. @danielmikaelson I apologize for my improper mindset to discuss such matters, but I doidn't exactly see you provide anything but bashing of other parties and shameless advertising of a candidate with as much support for him as I provided for mine. You may have never forced me to discuss it, but I do not very much like you using a common interest of ours to advertise your candidate on a site that is not to be used as an outlet for such things. Perhaps I am "running away" from this conversation, but I do have work to do and was willing to drop it when others were telling us to. I like to think I'm being the bigger man here, but I really just wanna drop this altogether for everyone.

                Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:54:28 UTC from web
                1. @alargesmallhorse I found a picture of Rainbow Dash with Ron Paul and said you should vote for him, 50% out of humour. I'm sorry if you don't find it funny, I do. I never bashed other parties, just Romney and Obama and I did with a factual statement and would've went in further detail if you wanted, but you didn't. You are the one who attacked me personally, I never did that to you.

                  Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:57:47 UTC from web
            2. @alargesmallhorse I never held you down and forced you to discuss it

              Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:46:39 UTC from web
        2. @alargesmallhorse And for the record, you do not know me, not what so ever

          Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 06:44:13 UTC from web