

  1. I really need to say this, so please bear with me... Recently I'd been having a really rough time of things lately trying to deal with a singularly nasty bout of crushing depression, the kind that sometimes ends with a loud bang and a mess on the ceiling, then I found you lot and it's really helped me feel a lot better, I'm not out of the valley yet but at least I'm climbing steadily upwards... It just feels good knowing there's other out there I can say stupid things around, make fun of and be made fun of in return, and just generally be the goofy schmuck I wish I'd been all these years... I just wanted to say thanks, you're the best bunch of bronies anypony could ever want to know... Ok, I'm done and I need a drink.

    Saturday, 21-May-11 22:15:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @colfax This makes me simultaneously sad and happy. RBDN is always here for you Bronie!

      Saturday, 21-May-11 22:20:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @colfax Your posts are always a joy to read, but this one nearly made me cry. I'm so glad that you're feeling much better. Go ahead and enjoy that drink, buddy. Friendship is magic.

      Saturday, 21-May-11 22:21:37 UTC from web
    3. @colfax Dude, if u need someone, we're here, and if u need a hug, we could give u one of those too. Check my profile page. That image was made for u and every brony on here. If u ever have a chance to meet any of us, take it and you'll see how much fun we can be offline as well. I'm in the baltimore area, but I am heading to the NY meet, hopefully next saturday

      Saturday, 21-May-11 22:22:54 UTC from web
    4. @colfax i'll drink to that!

      Saturday, 21-May-11 22:22:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    5. @colfax I don't know if your post applies to me, since I'm pretty new around here, but I'm really happy for you. I love to hear that what you do and say online actually makes a difference. :) @carcinopony Sorry, didn't see your post. Go on.

      Saturday, 21-May-11 22:25:02 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx kismesitude is BlackRom. That is most like having human hate. Having a kismesis is like having an extreme rivalry.

        Saturday, 21-May-11 22:27:21 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @carcinopony What I want to know is, is there any difference, except for what everything is called?

          Saturday, 21-May-11 22:29:41 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx yes. It's romance. unlike humans who only define romance as love.

            Saturday, 21-May-11 22:30:41 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @carcinopony So, hate is romance?

              Saturday, 21-May-11 22:33:06 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx yes. To put it bluntly, Love, hate, friendship, and compromise.

                Saturday, 21-May-11 22:35:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @carcinopony "Karkat, be my kismesis!" "**** you!" "That's the spirit!"

                  Saturday, 21-May-11 22:43:28 UTC from web
                  1. @thelastgherkin is it weird that I like Troll romance more than regular romance?

                    Saturday, 21-May-11 22:45:38 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    1. @carcinopony Nope! This coming from a guy who's had more kismeses than anything else.

                      Sunday, 22-May-11 09:47:06 UTC from web
    6. @colfax !hugs I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Just remember there's always someone here for you.

      Saturday, 21-May-11 23:21:49 UTC from web