

  1. Hello again ^_^

    Thursday, 10-May-12 10:11:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @derpyshy Hello. :3

      Thursday, 10-May-12 10:11:49 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Jello! What's up?

        Thursday, 10-May-12 10:13:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @derpyshy Nothin' much. Thinking of going to bed soon. How about yourself?

          Thursday, 10-May-12 10:14:44 UTC from web
          1. @yodelerty Doing a little bit better. Still sick, thought... :(

            Thursday, 10-May-12 10:19:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @derpyshy Aww. #

              Thursday, 10-May-12 10:20:40 UTC from web
    2. @derpyshy Hey, derpyshy! How are you?

      Thursday, 10-May-12 10:12:47 UTC from web
      1. @hakupony doing a lot better, now that I've slept since 9.SomethingAM. other than that, I'm just lying in bed :)

        Thursday, 10-May-12 10:17:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @derpyshy That's good news. If you are lucky, you are only ill long enough to miss school and get some additional sleep.

          Thursday, 10-May-12 10:18:26 UTC from web
          1. @hakupony Yeah... but I really really really want to have this English mock. Last year, I got a 4- (C-), just because I did one extra exercise where I was only supposed to do one, because I had to sit for 2 more hours anyway -_-

            Thursday, 10-May-12 10:23:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @derpyshy You know, as a german, 4- is more natural to me. So did I get that right: you get a bad mark because you done too much? Thats beyond stupid...

              Thursday, 10-May-12 10:26:02 UTC from web
              1. @hakupony I thought so :) but I still feel like an A is better than a 6, though :/ yes, she said that "you were supposed to take your time with the mock, not do an extra one". Actually, I even handed It to a teacher, and told him to give It to her, and say that It's NOT part of the mock, but I'd want to have it checked anyway, OUTSIDE the mock. Obviously, she just added it to the mock -_-

                Thursday, 10-May-12 10:33:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @derpyshy Okay, a 6 arount here would be the worst thing you could get :) However, that bad mark is one of the stupiest things I ever heard...

                  Thursday, 10-May-12 10:36:00 UTC from web
                  1. @hakupony Ah, so it's like the American system, just with numbers? That sounds better than what we have h*stomachgrowl*ere...

                    Thursday, 10-May-12 10:37:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    1. @derpyshy We actually have two systems. In one 6 is a complete failure, while 1 is epic win. In the other, 0 is epic fail and 15 epic win. And now get something to eat - maybe the fish on your head?

                      Thursday, 10-May-12 10:39:25 UTC from web
                      1. @hakupony *shakes head* *fish fall down* AAANOMNOMNOMNOM

                        Thursday, 10-May-12 10:43:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      2. @hakupony WE, as in Germans, or WE, as in Norway/Germany?

                        Thursday, 10-May-12 10:44:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        1. @derpyshy No, your system is fine :)

                          Thursday, 10-May-12 10:45:13 UTC from web
                          1. @hakupony I'd prefer the A-F-system, thought...

                            Thursday, 10-May-12 10:51:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    2. @derpyshy I take pride that we have the messed up school system of the world.

                      Thursday, 10-May-12 10:42:18 UTC from web
                  2. @hakupony As sson as you said that I knew: "Germany

                    Thursday, 10-May-12 10:38:27 UTC from Choqok
                    1. @omni Yes - but without sausages :)

                      Thursday, 10-May-12 10:41:16 UTC from web