


    Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:09:52 UTC from web
    1. @toksyuryel I thought you left forever Toks. What happened?

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:11:00 UTC from web
      1. @redenchilada I only left until Nerthos was no longer a mod. Then when I tried to come back after that ended openid was broken again and I didn't care enough (openid is still broken, btw). But now I need to promote Destiny everywhere I can so I finally created a password for myself.

        Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:12:38 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel Oh yeah, you're that guy who left for ridiculous reasons. Welcome back!

          Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:13:14 UTC from web
        2. @toksyuryel So you're just here to advertise? Brb spambot prevention measures What's it say when you try to use it?

          Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:14:56 UTC from web
          1. @redenchilada Doesn't say anything, the page is a content-free pure white background.

            Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:15:39 UTC from web
            1. @toksyuryel Hmm. Set up an account on the beta site with an OpenID and let me know what it says there when you try to use it.

              Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:16:51 UTC from web
              1. @redenchilada Registering, posting, and logging in all work perfectly fine there.

                Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:23:58 UTC from web
                1. @toksyuryel Odd... Probably some obscure server configuration issue then.

                  Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:25:03 UTC from web
    2. @snowcone Oh for god's sake. Let me reboot the VPS again then...

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 19:18:46 UTC from web