

  1. "As such, the content presented and discussed on this site must meet standards of appropriateness that will allow everyone to browse the site comfortably in public - even if they’re in school and their teacher is watching over their shoulder, the detention slip should read “goofing off in class” and not “browsing pornography in class”."

    Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 05:57:12 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada I remember the night when there was this one troll who posted non-stop furry porn for like 6 hours and no mods were on, it was great

      Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 06:01:28 UTC from web
      1. @rarity THAT WAS ME! #

        Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 06:03:05 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada RDN. Where productive ponies hang out.

      Tuesday, 25-Feb-14 06:02:18 UTC from web