

  1. I don't think I'm very good at insulting people

    Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:38:20 UTC from web
    1. @thewaifutyphoon I can teach you

      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:38:38 UTC from web
      1. @meloetta call me a ginger thats what everyone else does

        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:46:24 UTC from web
        1. @voxxxrebel okay gingerbread man

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:46:42 UTC from web
          1. @meloetta

            Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:47:06 UTC from web
        2. @voxxxrebel Is your blood actually ginger ale or is that an urban legend?

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:47:11 UTC from web
          1. @northernnarwhal its probably true

            Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:49:06 UTC from web
            1. @voxxxrebel Gosh my blood is just hemoglobin, oxygen, and other trace gases let's trade.

              Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:50:54 UTC from web
              1. @northernnarwhal that might be a problem if you have no iron

                Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:51:51 UTC from web
                1. @bakasenpai hemoglobin

                  Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:52:17 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal i don't know what that is

                    Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:56:38 UTC from web
                    1. @bakasenpai It's a metalloprotein in your blood that contains iron and is responsible for your blood's red colour

                      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:57:47 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal yes

                        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:58:10 UTC from web
                        1. @bakasenpai yeah

                          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:59:33 UTC from web
              2. @northernnarwhal idk i dont think you want the sunburn

                Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:53:42 UTC from web
                1. @voxxxrebel My husbando is ginger and I must become one with him

                  Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:54:45 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal GENETIC ENGINEERING?!

                    Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:55:05 UTC from web
                  2. @northernnarwhal are we gonna like morph into one being

                    Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:58:32 UTC from web
                    1. @voxxxrebel THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM!

                      Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:58:51 UTC from web
                      1. @metaltao OUR POWER LEVEL WILL BE OVER 9000

                        Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:59:13 UTC from web
                        1. @voxxxrebel IT SHALL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!

                          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:59:49 UTC from web
                    2. @voxxxrebel I'll consume your immortal soul and gain all your strengths and none of your weaknesses

                      Monday, 07-Jul-14 00:00:26 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal PWERFECTS

                        Monday, 07-Jul-14 00:04:43 UTC from web
                        1. @voxxxrebel That reminds me is How to Stop Your Brain In An Accident the only album by FOTL you've heard or have you heard some of their other stuff?

                          Monday, 07-Jul-14 00:06:02 UTC from web