

  1. I knew RDN was full of nerds but I assumed you could all dress yourselves at the very least. Apparently not.

    Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:48:42 UTC from web
    1. @scoot I need mommy to help me dress myself

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:49:29 UTC from web
      1. @northernnarwhal I dont know what to do with this information

        Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:49:52 UTC from web
        1. @scoot Think about it while you sleep

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:51:57 UTC from web
    2. @scoot My sense of fashion is great, I'm just presenting an alternative for people who buy clothes without pockets and for some reason haven't learned to sew.

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:50:04 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos "My sense of fashion is great" "Fanny packs are fine to wear" Nah.

        Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:50:33 UTC from web
        1. @scoot My usual looks are well fitted classical jeans, dressing shirt and a jacket.

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:51:25 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos Picture.

            Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:51:46 UTC from web
            1. @scoot

              Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:52:47 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos That was new year so it was too hot for jackets and the like

                Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:53:57 UTC from web
              2. @nerthos Wearing all black is a big no. Those shoes? Not even, unless you just finished playing football. Looks like a V-Neck? You'd be doing better with a regular necked t-shirt. The most colour you have is navy and it's just sort of boring to look at. 2/10

                Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:54:14 UTC from web
                1. @scoot Different countries, different clothing.

                  Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:55:17 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos I assure you that wearing exclusively dark colours and black is bland no matter what. I would not design a character like this unless I wanted to make them look depressive and uninteresting.

                    Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:56:19 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot Right now I'm wearing a green shirt, the same pants, and a black and green jacket on top. My goal with clothing in general is not to get attention but rather to be not particularly flashy.

                      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:59:45 UTC from web
                2. @scoot He looks pretty metal tho

                  Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:56:12 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal Exactly.

                    Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:56:26 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos You're throwing the horns and everything too, looks like a fun time

                      Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:59:52 UTC from web
                3. @scoot I kinda like v-necks during the summer as long as they're not super deep

                  Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:58:55 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal They don't work for everyone, perhaps you pull it off, I don't know. I was telling Nerthos he suits a regular necked T-Shirt.

                    Monday, 07-Jul-14 13:59:45 UTC from web
                    1. @scoot Here's me in a v neck, I'll let you be the judge.

                      Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:00:37 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal You look fine

                        Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:01:02 UTC from web
                    2. @scoot That wasn't a v-neck but a camiseta, whatever those are called over there. Basically a light shirt without sleeves thatis supposed to go under a dressing shirt so the shirt doesn't get sweaty if it's hot outside.

                      Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:02:26 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos It looked like a V-Neck from that photo. At any rate if that had been white instead of navy it would have brought some much needed contrast.

                        Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:05:42 UTC from web
                        1. @scoot I'd rather go for light blue, green or brown instead of white. White tends to get stained too easily.

                          Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:07:02 UTC from web
                          1. @nerthos Light blue is the only good option you just mentioned. Green and brown are muddy colours, which doesn't solve the "I'm cosplaying my own shadow" image

                            Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:08:21 UTC from web
                            1. @scoot Not a green like this

                              Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:09:43 UTC from web
                              1. @nerthos It's still a very earthy colour. It will stand out a bit more than brown at least.

                                Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:10:45 UTC from web
              3. @nerthos you look cooler than I expected

                Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:08:14 UTC from web
                1. @bakasenpai I'm a vain man

                  Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:08:55 UTC from web
                2. @bakasenpai What about me?

                  Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:09:18 UTC from web
                  1. @northernnarwhal about what I expected

                    Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:11:22 UTC from web
                    1. @bakasenpai I'm not sure if that's good or bad but I'll take it

                      Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:12:38 UTC from web
                      1. @northernnarwhal honestly it's neither.

                        Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:13:22 UTC from web
                        1. @bakasenpai Will I ever be as based as nerthos?

                          Monday, 07-Jul-14 14:16:43 UTC from web
                          1. @northernnarwhal probably not

                            Monday, 07-Jul-14 15:10:48 UTC from web
                            1. @bakasenpai Well, neutral is still good. I can take neutral.

                              Monday, 07-Jul-14 15:11:28 UTC from web