

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @whitebag And with all that in mind, here you are on RDN.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:26:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @whitebag I'm awful with kids. It's not they don't like me, actually they get along with me really well, but I'm the most irresponsible person ever.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:32:02 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @northernnarwhal @whitebag Even now that I've figured out how to set clear boundaries with kids, I still lack the confidence often.

        Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:37:48 UTC from web
        1. @pony I'm fine wih confidence, I'm just irresponsible. Like letting them watch violent shows with me if they want to or never saying no if they want sugar

          Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:39:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          1. @northernnarwhal @whitebag I imagine Rainbow Dash would be about the same. I'm more like Fluttershy.

            Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:48:38 UTC from web
            1. @pony Good comparison, that actually fits very well

              Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:50:38 UTC from web
    3. @whitebag Yeah, although the kids who are really full of themselves are fun to mess with, they fall for ths silliest tricks

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:35:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    4. @whitebag @northernnarwhal What? Scootaloo seems to be acting strange and not wanting to sleep? I'mma just leave her in the dark, go inside the tent and fall asleep.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:53:04 UTC from web
      1. @pony That's exactly the sort of thing I'd do

        Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:53:55 UTC from web
        1. @northernnarwhal Way to own it! xD

          Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:54:44 UTC from web
          1. @pony To be fair though, I'd probably also let her fly with me if she wanted to (you know, all within the figurative metaphor)

            Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:56:16 UTC from web
            1. @northernnarwhal For sure. Scootaloo is pretty awesome after all.

              Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:58:06 UTC from web
              1. @pony My favourite character in the CMC is Sweetie Belle to be honest but Scootaloo is cool too

                Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:01:28 UTC from web
                1. @northernnarwhal I have both plushies from Build-a-Bear. I need to complete my CMC collection with Apple Bloom still.

                  Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:03:51 UTC from web
                  1. @pony I have a small Applejack I plush I bought at a convention

                    Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:06:46 UTC from web
                    1. @northernnarwhal Awesome! I love the small ones. so huggable.

                      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:07:49 UTC from web
                      1. @pony Yeah, it's really cute goes nicely with my other plushies.

                        Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:11:52 UTC from web
    5. @whitebag Well she /is/ fantastically amazing.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:55:17 UTC from web
    6. @whitebag I feel the same about Trixie

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:55:26 UTC from web
      1. @cinnamonswirl @whitebag For me it's Celestia. If only.

        Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:59:17 UTC from web
      2. @cinnamonswirl i feel the same about the backgrounds mules

        Thursday, 10-Jul-14 14:59:39 UTC from web
    7. @whitebag My admiration of her highness is purely platonic, but if she were real I wouldn't mind if she wanted to snuggle.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:03:02 UTC from web
    8. @whitebag I can't let myself wish to hug ponies usually, except my OC because she's mine and real enough anyway.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:06:04 UTC from web
    9. @whitebag yeah, and TRU is a little more expensive than Wal-Mart. If you order online, you can get the 4DE ones that are practically perfect.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:07:13 UTC from web
    10. @whitebag If I let myself linger in fantasy I'll just get depressed. Even writing fanfiction is a way for me to let go, not pretend it's real.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:09:57 UTC from web
    11. @whitebag That would be rad!

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:10:40 UTC from web
    12. @whitebag If it's not for the sake of learning, teaching, or self expression, if it's completely internal, I'm just never satisfied. I always ask myself what the point of it is if reality will never be that fantasy.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:17:06 UTC from web
    13. @whitebag Maybe I do get overattached. I mean, I like fantasies, just not dwelling on them much. I can hug a plushie and think, It would be cool if ponies were real, but only for a minute at most, and not frequently. If I find a fantasy that I feel can become real then I will dwell on that sort of thing longer, but only as long as it doesn't distract me from actually fulfilling it. Maybe not ponies, but building close relationships with friends and family whom I can really trust some day, maybe. (It's coming along slowly.) I let fantasy inspire and motivate me toward real goals.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:29:05 UTC from web
    14. @rancidrob I'm totally there with you, yep.

      Thursday, 10-Jul-14 15:37:09 UTC from web