So, bar for @bitshift is anypony from here on RDN going to the June 2nd Birmingham Meet? I am if my rail card arrives on time, ordered it yesterday. !uk
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:07:03 UTC from web-
@leonkfox Well I was going If enough people from here are going, so for the chance to buy you a cider I don't think I'll say no! Just hoping cerulean or gherkin tag along!
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:09:27 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Nnnnnope.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:11:33 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin aww ;_;
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:12:16 UTC from web-
@purplephish20 Even if I wasn't already going on holiday that day, I'd be going to an Indian wedding. I have two prior engagements.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:14:16 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Well, there's always another time right? :)
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:21:11 UTC from web-
@leonkfox I can put ponies in my mouth ANY TIME I WANT.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:23:07 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Those poor ponies :P
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:30:07 UTC from web
@purplephish20 Yeah, really been wanting to see a bunch of guys from last September's meetup again, those two included :)
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:12:18 UTC from web-
@leonkfox If I'm not either bankrupt or dead by then I'll probably go to that one, for old times sake.
@ceruleanspark Be sure to wear a bulletproof vest, because I still owe you a planetoid crushing hug for that Braeburn blindbag
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:14:46 UTC from web -
@ceruleanspark Awesome! I've really been wanting to see you again, and everypony else. That was such an awesome day, bar for having to avoid spoilers for the Season 2 Premier that is xD
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:18:50 UTC from web-
@leonkfox The good thing was...[i] no-one[/i] there saw it on the day, I think.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:19:50 UTC from web-
@pawnheart I didn't, if only due to activley avoiding RDN despite my impulse to post on there xD
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:29:44 UTC from web
@ceruleanspark The June 2nd one? Huzzah!
@bitshift Yeah. Baring me giving into my urges or spending all my money things should be fine.
@bitshift ...have I met you at a meet before?
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:21:49 UTC from web-
@pawnheart Given I've not been to one, it would probably be a safe bet to say no.
@bitshift well, you'd think... but my perceptions go beyond attendees. It's more like elevendees.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:31:56 UTC from web
@bitshift For some reason it always clicked in my head that you were American. :|
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:22:32 UTC from web-
@yodelerty Probably because I've absorbed a lot of Americanisms by osmosis. That and my wonky sleep patterns do tend to combine to give an impression of an incorrect nationality.
@bitshift I think it was the sleep thing that tricked me.
Thursday, 24-May-12 08:33:35 UTC from web