


    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 00:56:38 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation just why

      Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:05:06 UTC from web
      1. @rainbowdash3847 *BWOOOOOMM*n

        Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:05:30 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao one does not simply respond to this

          Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:06:22 UTC from web
          1. @rainbowdash3847 OH MY GOD! :O HELLO! :DDDD

            Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:07:48 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao srsly how do you expect me to respond to this, funny, creeped out. just how, TELL ME PLZ

              Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:09:27 UTC from web
              1. @rainbowdash3847 Hmmm, You could, do what you just did, ask, how the person is... Um... Fire works? OH! WHat about doing what they do? Or, be your self? I DONt KNOW EITHER! I just hope I don't scare you. D:

                Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:11:51 UTC from web
                1. @metaltao you know i now i great therapist, i can hook you up if you need it. I also know something to calm you down if you need that too.

                  Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:13:06 UTC from web
                  1. @rainbowdash3847 Calm me down? Dude, this is a bit more calm of me. :L And, I am happy, people seem ok with me. But, if you have a problem, I am willing to lessen my craziness for you if need be. :D

                    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:15:30 UTC from web
                    1. @metaltao oh no i have a friend that is way more crazy then you, i think he's on drugs or something, so yea

                      Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:16:25 UTC from web
                      1. @rainbowdash3847 They don't have to be on drugs to be crazy mate. Attitude and personality are not inherent nor, should they be. They should be well varied! :D (Me taking this too seriously sorry)

                        Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:17:28 UTC from web
                        1. @metaltao yea but i actually think there is a little something messed up about him, i think his craziness is actually something he needs to do to stay happy because he was hit hard with a death in his family, after that he was even more crazy, (crap now i'm getting to serious about it.)

                          Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:21:11 UTC from web
                          1. @rainbowdash3847 Mang! That is one serious assumption, and, doesn't really follow a hierarchy. True it is possible, but, that was a quick diagnosis. May I suggest another possibility?

                            Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:22:20 UTC from web
                            1. @metaltao go ahead what do you suggest

                              Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:22:49 UTC from web
                              1. @rainbowdash3847 Well, here is what I am thinking. 1: He may just be like this, he is (Like anyone else.) Constantly changing, if what you said about him experiencing a lot of death to be true. then, I may think he has been desensitized and has probably learned to cope with it normally, and, found who he wants to be. Someone who may want to bring a smile to faces and have them enjoy their life before it ends.
                                2: He may have read or experienced something apart from the event you mentioned and has made a part of his life this personality.
                                3: He has been like this for a while, and, is a major characteristic of who he is and wants to be. And, sees no fault in it as long as others are fine and he is content with such things

                                Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:27:23 UTC from web
                            2. @metaltao also i forgot to mention that this has been going on for a 3-5 months

                              Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:25:46 UTC from web
                              1. @rainbowdash3847 Well, sir, I may have to add something else to my Hypothesis then. What else does he do? was it sudden? Or, more like, slow change? The transition I mean.

                                Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:28:25 UTC from web
                                1. @metaltao it was more of a slow change

                                  Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:29:31 UTC from web
                              2. @rainbowdash3847 Also, it appears I failed to mention that, if you are even a LITTLE but worried about how he feels, do not hesitate to ask. Please.

                                Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:29:31 UTC from web
                                1. @metaltao alright i am trying to connect with him, most of the time i try and talk to him its very brief or he isn't online (skype) or just dosen't really want to say anything

                                  Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:31:18 UTC from web
                                  1. @rainbowdash3847 Makes sense. How long ago was it since one of his family died? You do not have to answer that. And, does he avoid certain questions that are about how he feels?

                                    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:37:55 UTC from web
                                    1. @metaltao um if i remember correctly around a year or so. and i have not really asked him personal questions because he is an emotional guy

                                      Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:40:05 UTC from web
                                      1. @rainbowdash3847 Ah, Ok. What do you think he is feeling? Like, do you feel he has been sad lately? You like him as a friend correct?

                                        Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:49:36 UTC from web
                                        1. @metaltao um it's hard to tell considering he masks he's feelings well, yes I do like him as a friend

                                          Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:03:35 UTC from web
                                          1. @rainbowdash3847 Are there any other sources for help? Is there a counselor? I assume this is a school. Has he suggested, even in a joking manner, about his feelings or his life?

                                            Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:07:39 UTC from web
                                            1. @metaltao no he doesn't talk much about life even to me, his best friend

                                              Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:09:06 UTC from web
                                              1. @rainbowdash3847 That is a bit strange. And a bit sad. What questions has he avoided? I may need some specific questions like, do you ask questions about his home life? His parents or family? Freetime? Hobbies?

                                                Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:11:39 UTC from web
                                                1. @metaltao I'm so sry but I'm going to haft to stop talking about this I really need to go to bees

                                                  Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:19:13 UTC from web
                                                  1. @rainbowdash3847 I mean bed and thank you of helping me

                                                    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:19:31 UTC from web
                                                    1. @rainbowdash3847 No problem, I just hope I was able to help. I am also sorry for not being good at this at the moment. I Wish you and your friend wealth and good fortune. May you be granted good health. :D Good night my way ward wanderer!

                                                      Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 02:21:19 UTC from web
                                  2. @rainbowdash3847 Also, regardless of what I say, it is hard to diagnose from a distance, and in a short amount of time. You have more info than me. And, can make important decisions at a moments notice. Ok? I can only help you so much. BUt, if there is anything you need help understanding. Ask a friend. Heck, I am willing to help out.

                                    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:39:59 UTC from web
      2. @rainbowdash3847 Just because.

        Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:09:41 UTC from web