MetalTao (metaltao)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:27:23 UTC

  1. @rainbowdash3847 Well, here is what I am thinking. 1: He may just be like this, he is (Like anyone else.) Constantly changing, if what you said about him experiencing a lot of death to be true. then, I may think he has been desensitized and has probably learned to cope with it normally, and, found who he wants to be. Someone who may want to bring a smile to faces and have them enjoy their life before it ends.
    2: He may have read or experienced something apart from the event you mentioned and has made a part of his life this personality.
    3: He has been like this for a while, and, is a major characteristic of who he is and wants to be. And, sees no fault in it as long as others are fine and he is content with such things

    Wednesday, 05-Nov-14 01:27:23 UTC from web in context