

  1. so i guess i can keep my avatar, right?

    Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:42:31 UTC from web
    1. @mushi Your avatar could be straight porn and I'm betting everybody would be totally cool with it. In any case it's not even slightly inappropriate so it's fine.

      Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:43:17 UTC from web
      1. @mrmattimation But if it was GAY porn, however

        Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:43:46 UTC from web
        1. @spots You know what I think if it was gay porn people here would be twice as okay with it.

          Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:45:32 UTC from web
          1. @mrmattimation ...probably

            Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:48:36 UTC from web
    2. @mushi Why wouldn't you?

      Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:43:46 UTC from web
      1. @awlditzy because boobens

        Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:45:30 UTC from web
        1. @mushi've met us before have you not?

          Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:47:47 UTC from web
    3. @mushi I mean mine and yours have boob so sure

      Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:44:20 UTC from web
      1. @foxgopher mine are bigger

        Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:46:13 UTC from web
        1. @mushi And I am ok with that

          Thursday, 06-Nov-14 01:47:12 UTC from web