

  1. I see an AD for Second Life!

    Sunday, 11-Jan-15 20:31:05 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao People still play that?

      Sunday, 11-Jan-15 20:46:57 UTC from web
      1. @m14brony Ch'Yeahhh

        Sunday, 11-Jan-15 20:47:15 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao I tried playing that game quite some time ago (2007, I think). It was like watching paint dry.

          Sunday, 11-Jan-15 20:51:59 UTC from web
          1. @m14brony Did you do the SES in it? :L

            Sunday, 11-Jan-15 20:55:10 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao ?

              Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:00:35 UTC from web
              1. @m14brony It's like, some Nintendooooh Game.

                Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:08:17 UTC from web
                1. @metaltao Like this?


                  Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:25:07 UTC from web
                  1. @m14brony This is freaking boss1

                    Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:35:31 UTC from web
          2. @m14brony About ten years ago, people were trying to get me into that. I kept telling them, "I'm not even through with my first life yet!"

            Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:26:19 UTC from web
            1. @scribus I played it for a while then came back to reality. Does that mean I'm on my third life/

              Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:28:04 UTC from web
              1. @ollie SHANTAE Kreygasm

                Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:31:51 UTC from web
              2. @ollie Not sure....

                Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:32:03 UTC from web
                1. @scribus I'm just going to go ahead and say that's how it works.

                  Sunday, 11-Jan-15 21:32:17 UTC from web
      2. @m14brony

        Sunday, 11-Jan-15 20:47:44 UTC from web