

  1. does anyone know a good place to make custome ponys :/

    Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:06:38 UTC from web
    1. @bossbrony69 Zoi's pony creator?

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:07:14 UTC from web
      1. @minti i cant stand that :<

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:08:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @lyrica Same, you have to admit it's valuable for trying out ideas really quickly though. xD

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:09:38 UTC from web
          1. @minti hasbros is better in my eyes. Lyrica was made in it 100%

            Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:11:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @lyrica Does it limit colours? That's the main thing I use Zoi's for.

              Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:12:10 UTC from web
              1. @minti sadly color options is my only real compaint with hasbros. Zoi's dual color options for the manes are imlemented terrible in my eyes

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:14:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @lyrica xD Yeah some are pretty bad; like I said though I only use it for rapid prototyping, so it doesn't need to be perfect. ;p

                  Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:15:09 UTC from web
    2. @woona Well it's good for rapid prototyping and/or people who can't draw. xD

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:08:04 UTC from web
      1. @minti Are we talking about me? :D

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:09:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    3. @woona What is it with everyone being against pony creator?

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:08:24 UTC from web
      1. @scribble It's just @woona.

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:09:06 UTC from web
        1. @colfax I've seen more than just woona hate on it.

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:10:01 UTC from web
      2. @scribble i prefer hasbros creator. Unlike zoi's it doesnt have rediculous options that wouldnt exist in the show

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:10:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      3. @scribble It's so spread around the internet that everyone sick of seeing ponies created with it. xD

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:10:13 UTC from web
    4. @woona I draw all my ponies.

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:08:41 UTC from web
    5. @woona My only objection to them are those that use one and then try to pass it off as original art.

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:10:13 UTC from web
    6. @woona @lyrica @minti I don't understand the hate though. It's a good starting point, a lot more user friendly than the Facebook one and, in relation to the previous, you don't even need an account to use it. If it's the only thing someone uses, yeah, it bugs me, unless it's done well (BronyDanceParty).

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:11:46 UTC from web
      1. @scribble the facebook one is on the hub website actually

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:12:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @lyrica Even so, I much prefer the GeneralZoi one to the Hasbro one. Mostly due to the fact that you can preview certain things instead of having to use sliders.

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:15:05 UTC from web
          1. @scribble @minti understandable

            Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:16:17 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @lyrica Since I got art of Scribble, I've not touched it, because I don't see the point in doing so now.

              Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:18:28 UTC from web
              1. @scribble understandable. my other issue is the stroke colors don't always match/fit with the color you pic, I know I've picked Twilight's purple once and it picked some odd color for strokes

                Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:21:31 UTC from web
      2. @scribble Lol exactly my point. (Although I'll admit, I'm not a huge fan of BDP's work.)

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:12:56 UTC from web
    7. @woona Being able to draw is overrated. :P

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:14:00 UTC from web
    8. @woona If you can't draw well, though, then what? That's why it's good, in my eyes, it gives those with imagination, but not drawing ability the chance to make their ponies visually. Or just make crappy 'adoptables'. Either or.

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:14:09 UTC from web
    9. @woona I can't draw at all but I don't really want to either. XD

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:15:26 UTC from web
    10. @woona I'd prefer to know how to play the guitar or sing than draw.

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:17:06 UTC from web
    11. @woona Obviously, adoptables from General Zoi's pony creator is one of the worst things on DA. xD

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:17:19 UTC from web
      1. @scribble "Obviously, adoptables [...] [are] the worst things[.]" #

        Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:19:29 UTC from web
        1. @toksyuryel Of course. Who's stupid enough to fall for them?

          Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:21:11 UTC from web
    12. @woona #!

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:19:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    13. @woona Teach meeeeeee

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:20:33 UTC from web
    14. @woona Awwwwww. :c

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:21:56 UTC from web
    15. @woona Not for me! Teaching myself requires motivation and I have none of that.

      Sunday, 03-Jun-12 21:24:47 UTC from web