

  1. i had no pony dreams last night. I woke up to find that my cat peed on the outfit I had laid out for my graduation ceremony today.

    Saturday, 28-May-11 13:08:05 UTC from web
    1. @nightwillow My dream was humanized Rainbow Dash and me pulling pranks on my uncle. Altogether, it was one of the strangest dreams that I have ever had.

      Saturday, 28-May-11 13:09:53 UTC from web
      1. @nvrrmbr Lol

        Saturday, 28-May-11 13:10:49 UTC from web
      2. @nvrrmbr There's your reading.

        Saturday, 28-May-11 13:14:23 UTC from web
        1. @earflaps Thanks I guess! By the way, did you like it? Or was it terrible?

          Saturday, 28-May-11 13:21:00 UTC from web
          1. @nvrrmbr I didn't think it was too bad. I have natural discomfort with shipping fics, but I thought it was decent.

            Saturday, 28-May-11 13:22:24 UTC from web
            1. @earflaps Thanks! That means alot to me. I did write it in half an hour, on my trusty Ipod touch.

              Saturday, 28-May-11 13:24:52 UTC from web
            2. @earflaps Oh! That's why your voice has such a heavy accent! You live in the UK!

              Saturday, 28-May-11 13:35:41 UTC from web
              1. @nvrrmbr Ee-yup. Brit brony born and bred.

                Saturday, 28-May-11 13:38:17 UTC from web
                1. @earflaps Ohh, a Brit pony... tell me when is tea time ?

                  Saturday, 28-May-11 13:41:24 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker Varies. For me, somewhere between 4pm and 8pm. And to clarify, 'tea' is the British word for 'dinner'. We're not tea drinking freaks (even though I do have a mug filled with tea next to me right now).

                    Saturday, 28-May-11 13:43:51 UTC from web
                    1. @earflaps hey I am a tea freak more than the brittish in the wild immagination of most the average american... and by tea I do mean the beverage :D

                      Saturday, 28-May-11 13:47:29 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker I can't stand tea. I only drink water and soda-pop.

                        Saturday, 28-May-11 13:49:31 UTC from web
                        1. @nvrrmbr tea, water, that lemonade stuff you have to add water to, grapejuice... <3

                          Saturday, 28-May-11 13:51:28 UTC from web
                  2. @critialcloudkicker It is always time for tea! *sip*

                    Saturday, 28-May-11 13:51:29 UTC from Choqok
                2. @earflaps That's cool, I'm 1/4 British myself.

                  Saturday, 28-May-11 13:42:37 UTC from web
    2. @nightwillow wow. That sucks. Bad kitty. Fluttershy could've talked your cat out of it.

      Saturday, 28-May-11 13:10:32 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @quetzalcoatl well, to be fair, i had accidentally locked him in the guest room, which is where I had laid out my clothes. he was in there all night, so he had to go SOMEWHERE. plus, he's freaking 19 years old, so he kind of has an excuse

        Saturday, 28-May-11 13:12:06 UTC from web
        1. @nightwillow awww...

          Saturday, 28-May-11 13:13:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone