

  1. watching MLB 1

    Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:30:20 UTC from web
    1. @rednorth Dude, just like, Fluffle Puffin' close the window now, hit X, close the browser, go watch something else, Happy Tree Friends, Homestar Runner, anything, just get out before you shoot yourself.

      Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:32:00 UTC from Mayonnaise
      1. @mrmattimation mlg voice acting

        Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:32:45 UTC from web
        1. @rednorth GET OUT OF THERE YOU WILL DIE

          Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:33:07 UTC from Mayonnaise
          1. @mrmattimation all these royalty free noises!

            Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:33:39 UTC from web
            1. @rednorth You are soooooooooo evil right now.

              Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:33:52 UTC from web
              1. @metaltao "grand theft auto sounds like a stupid game"(MLB 1)

                Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:34:49 UTC from web
            2. @rednorth I am kidding of course X4

              Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:34:08 UTC from web
            3. @rednorth what are you talking about royalty free, literally all the background music is copyrighted

              Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:35:12 UTC from Mayonnaise
              1. @mrmattimation the SFX not the music

                Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:35:54 UTC from web
                1. @rednorth I mean a lot of that was ripped from other sources too.

                  Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:36:18 UTC from Mayonnaise
                  1. @mrmattimation anyway its still great work

                    Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:46:16 UTC from web
                    1. @rednorth If you think My Little Brony was good you and I definitely aren't thinking of the same My Little Brony. I genuinely think it is the worst piece of crap I've ever done.

                      Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:49:41 UTC from Mayonnaise
                      1. @mrmattimation I agree that it's one of your weakest animations. The script is pretty lousy whereas the humour in some of your other videos feels a lot more genuine.

                        Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:53:49 UTC from web
                        1. @northernnarwhal I legitimately don't even remember what I was on when I wrote the script, but I do remember having written it in an hour. I also don't remember what I was on when I animated it, but it must've been pretty bad stuff. If I could re-do it, believe me, I would.

                          Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:58:37 UTC from Mayonnaise
                          1. @mrmattimation To be fair it was a few years ago, you've honed your technique a lot since then.

                            Monday, 02-Mar-15 01:03:31 UTC from web
                      2. @mrmattimation the story is fairly well constructed but just needed better equipment for audio and animation(by which i mean spend more time on each frame) even though im not an animator i hope this doesnt come off as snooty

                        Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:54:14 UTC from web
                        1. @rednorth My lines were all recorded on a $20 headset from Target even though Jonathan insisted I do all my dialogue at his house with him and Sebas.

                          Monday, 02-Mar-15 01:01:02 UTC from Mayonnaise
              2. @mrmattimation well i watched it and im still living. mission accomplished

                Monday, 02-Mar-15 00:36:35 UTC from web