

  1. 22 minutes ago: "I'm going to bed" Yeah, maybe I should actually go to bed. Like, sleep and stuff. Good night, guys.

    Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:14:41 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada G'night! Again. Double-good night!

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:15:12 UTC from web
    2. @redenchilada Good night, hammer-carrying pony.

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:15:20 UTC from web
    3. @redenchilada >RDN >sleep !lolsleep

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:15:49 UTC from web
    4. @redenchilada Sleep is for when you're dead.

      Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:18:51 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony Unless zombie.

        Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:19:22 UTC from web
      2. @abigpony /me kills self then

        Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:19:49 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada IRL b&?

          Wednesday, 06-Jun-12 05:20:25 UTC from web