

  1. The Carcino....has left the station.

    Sunday, 29-May-11 01:13:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @carcinopony And the next destination is?

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:13:54 UTC from web
      1. @nvrrmbr to the mortal Kombat tournament

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:15:49 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @carcinopony Can I go too? I'm terrible at Mortal Kombat, but why not. T'is better than laying in bed staring at the ceiling.

          Sunday, 29-May-11 01:17:50 UTC from web
          1. @nvrrmbr people die in these things you know?

            Sunday, 29-May-11 01:19:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @carcinopony *waves to the donkey*

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:14:04 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax I AM NOT A DONKEY

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:16:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @carcinopony Ohai thar. 'Sup?

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:14:13 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx just got home, chilling, eating chips and salsa, you?

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:16:53 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @carcinopony Sounds nice. I'm exhausted from drawing, so I think I'mma watch some Lost. @edman Heh, my parents are chill. They wouldn't mind if I brought a girl over. :P

          Sunday, 29-May-11 01:18:06 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx I watched only one episode of that back in primary school

            Sunday, 29-May-11 01:20:05 UTC from StatusNet Android
    4. @carcinopony Ohai :D

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:14:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    5. @abigpony >implying you can het rid of malignant Carcino

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:25:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony And the chances of that happening? Less than 20%

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:25:59 UTC from web
        1. @nvrrmbr its actually a good 47% chance of death, even from the weakest fighters

          Sunday, 29-May-11 01:27:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
    6. @abigpony Don't let the donkey get to you

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:26:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @colfax I'm pretty sure he's not a donkey.

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:28:14 UTC from web
      2. @colfax IAMNOTADONKEY

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:28:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
    7. @abigpony bring it

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:28:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @abigpony I got 10 dollars on @carcinopony

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:30:38 UTC from web
    8. @abigpony I know, but I like messing with the donkey's head

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:29:08 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    9. @abigpony I choose Scorpion.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:30:47 UTC from StatusNet Android
    10. @abigpony actually, I reconsider. Johnny Cage

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:36:05 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony Okay. I pick Jesus. Let's fight!

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:37:33 UTC from web
        1. @nvrrmbr I still win

          Sunday, 29-May-11 01:38:42 UTC from StatusNet Android
    11. @abigpony The ultimate face-off between two enemies, Sub-Zero (@abigpony) and Scorpion (@carcinopony). The air is tense as the two fighters take their places. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a booming voice announces, "FIGHT!"

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:36:28 UTC from web
    12. @abigpony why.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:38:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
    13. @abigpony no, that's reptile

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:40:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
    14. @abigpony good luck winning with reptile. Especially against Cage.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:47:51 UTC from StatusNet Android
    15. @abigpony only with the proper combos

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:52:43 UTC from StatusNet Android
    16. @abigpony you don't start invisible.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 01:56:18 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony Ooo, are you guys talking about Mortal Kombat? :D

        Sunday, 29-May-11 01:58:26 UTC from web
        1. @drpiranha Yesh

          Sunday, 29-May-11 01:59:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @carcinopony I love Mortal Kombat! Kabal being one of my favourites. :3

            Sunday, 29-May-11 02:08:16 UTC from web
            1. @drpiranha Kabal is a Bamf. He beats everyone to a pulp.

              Sunday, 29-May-11 02:09:27 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @carcinopony Indeed. Also, I hated Johnny at first, but now I kind of like him.

                Sunday, 29-May-11 03:05:35 UTC from web
                1. @drpiranha I like his arrogant attitude, that's so me.

                  Sunday, 29-May-11 07:23:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @carcinopony Heh.

                    Sunday, 29-May-11 17:43:34 UTC from web
                    1. @drpiranha heh indeed

                      Sunday, 29-May-11 18:08:45 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @drpiranha Kabal is so broken in UMK3. !vgp

              Sunday, 29-May-11 02:09:28 UTC from web
              1. @ponybis I have UMK3 on my xbox, I still can't beat Motaro.

                Sunday, 29-May-11 02:10:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
              2. @ponybis Please explain, oh wise pony whose name I believe is a reference to cannabis.

                Sunday, 29-May-11 03:06:12 UTC from web
                1. @drpiranha My name isn't a reference to Cannabis, but people address me as that sometimes. If you want to know how Kabal is broken play online a bit. Try the DS version online. You'll see Kabal. A lot.

                  Sunday, 29-May-11 03:13:10 UTC from web
                  1. @ponybis They address you as cannabis? Weird. And that I shall!

                    Sunday, 29-May-11 03:20:38 UTC from web
    17. @abigpony what is the combo for turning invisible then?

      Sunday, 29-May-11 02:02:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
    18. @abigpony I already know the darn combos

      Sunday, 29-May-11 02:05:41 UTC from StatusNet Android
    19. @abigpony I would NEVER touch Reptile. Or Baraka for that matter.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 02:08:00 UTC from StatusNet Android
    20. @abigpony Reptile is crap tier.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 02:10:58 UTC from StatusNet Android
    21. @abigpony I know you don't. This bothers me.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 02:13:12 UTC from StatusNet Android
    22. @abigpony deal with it.

      Sunday, 29-May-11 02:19:06 UTC from StatusNet Android
      1. @carcinopony *shades descend from the sky and land perfectly on your face*

        Sunday, 29-May-11 02:20:01 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @madflavors WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING.

          Sunday, 29-May-11 02:21:54 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @carcinopony well in this case you just have with it

            Sunday, 29-May-11 02:23:21 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @madflavors I CAN'T EVEN USE SUNGLASSES.

              Sunday, 29-May-11 02:24:11 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @madflavors *CSI theme song plays*

              Sunday, 29-May-11 02:24:24 UTC from web