

  1. The sun will be up in an hour here, I can hear the birds chirping already. All this time without caffeine as well.

    Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:36:37 UTC from web
    1. @awlyra Being engaged can be good mate. Or, otehr things, I don't really know.

      Y'all need Zerax

      Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:37:12 UTC from web
    2. @riley While reading No Country for Old Men, I basically didn't stop until I finished reading. That was like, four years ago. That was the last time I've ever really felt engaged.

      Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:40:24 UTC from web
      1. @riley Ouch

        Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:41:26 UTC from web
      2. @riley I had that experience with everything I've read from McCarthy thusfar, although perhaps not literally because of work.

        Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:41:59 UTC from web
      3. @riley

        Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:42:18 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao me neither, just roll with it

          Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:49:04 UTC from web
          1. @riley >the feel when you will never feel the feel that you feel when you feel the feel>the feel when you will never feel the feel that you feel when you feel the feel

            Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:50:01 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao Same

              Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:50:35 UTC from web
              1. @riley Same-ian

                Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:53:12 UTC from web
          2. @riley Roll with the punches and dodge the rolls.

            Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:50:38 UTC from web
    3. @riley I honestly am surprissed, but do not know how to react to that. What was it like??

      Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:40:45 UTC from web
    4. @riley I know, but still

      Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:43:40 UTC from web
    5. @riley You're drunk.

      Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:44:45 UTC from web
      1. @pandabear Yeah.

        Sunday, 21-Jun-15 09:45:21 UTC from web