

  1. The thing I'd like to capture most at night? Take a guess what that would be.

    Monday, 28-Sep-15 04:18:46 UTC from web
    1. @awlelwa Pokemon?

      Monday, 28-Sep-15 04:20:05 UTC from web
    2. @awlelwa A squadron of Spitfires flying in formation and making a delayed shot so the lights act like tracers painting the photograph like Brushes on a night sky

      Monday, 28-Sep-15 04:20:29 UTC from web
      1. @metaltao No but that reminds me during my 'meditation' I swear I heard Miss Mitchell, the local B-25, flying.

        Monday, 28-Sep-15 04:21:15 UTC from web
        1. @awlelwa OH! HEY! You might like this!

          Monday, 28-Sep-15 04:22:05 UTC from web
    3. @awlelwa I'd give an answer but I don't think I can top @scribus

      Monday, 28-Sep-15 04:21:05 UTC from web