

  1. Why the Fluffle Puff does Toriel have canines? What the batcave does a goat need sharp teeth for? FrankerZ you, Toriel, I know your game. You take in little human children and you fatten them up with butterscotch pies and you eat them. I don't even feel bad about killing you twice.

    Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:00:29 UTC from web
    1. @mrmattimation The game never actually says that they're goats. They pretty clearly have paws, not hooves, and they don't have the distinctive vertical pupils of goats. I think they're the same type of dragon as Haku in Spirited Away.

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:23:05 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Dragons eat children, CHECKMATE

        Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:26:53 UTC from web
        1. @mrmattimation Oi, some of my best friends are dragons, and that's an offensive stereotype

          Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:29:12 UTC from web
        2. @mrmattimation Hey, it was just the one time... and he was really annoying.

          Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:30:42 UTC from web
          1. @colfax Having a blast imagining a dragon trying to walk while wearing steel toed boots.

            Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:35:01 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos The steel toes keep the claws from piercing through.

              Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:36:50 UTC from web
    2. @mrmattimation Well, it makes sense. My mother's aunt would capture snails and feed them flour so their insides weren't bitter, so Toriel is probably purging kids with the pies so they don't taste bitter.

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:32:56 UTC from web
    3. @mrmattimation You should google "Sabbatic Goat"

      Sunday, 28-Feb-16 00:49:24 UTC from web