

  1. I bought myself Sonic 06

    Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:14:03 UTC from Choqok
    1. @adiwan Please stop, it's not worth it. We can work through this together. Nobody here wants to see you harm yourself. If you need to talk to someone, please call your local self harm/suicide hotline, which is available on (0 30 44 01 06 07)

      Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:31:56 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Hahaha. I think I'm good. My PS3 might rather die from Sonic 06 than my sanity. Remind me of that when I stumble upon Sonic Boom.

        Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:34:53 UTC from Choqok
        1. @adiwan >>> "Sonic Boom" <<< So yeah... your national number is 0800 1110 111 ... or 0800 1110 222

          Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:36:22 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker Hehe.

            Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:38:44 UTC from Choqok
            1. @adiwan ( warning : possible spoiler, and the whole game experience pulled out by it's dentals and put on display like a freak of nature ) ... If you can stand Yahtzee Crossaw this is an awesome vid

              Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:47:10 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker Oh I know how bad Sonic Boom is. I saw a Let's Play. The glitches are half the fun.

                Sunday, 13-Mar-16 11:58:12 UTC from Choqok