

  1. I wonder why simple dumb jokes get around more often? I just hate the idea that it is dumb simple people that some how conglomerate the plurality of the world that spread them. I find the idea rather cynical myself.
    I wonder if it has less to do with "Everyone around me is stupid and simple minded, liking these LESS REFINED MEMES" and more to do with a certain incongruity that more people can understand.
    I mean, everyone understands a fart joke, so by that, if you make a fart joke, everyone is accessible. In the opposite vein of "There are 10 types of people in the words, those who know hex and F the rest" which is a joke abut Hexadecimal counting and NCIS. That jokes only pertains to those who know one or both of those things.
    It has less likely hood of making someone who doesn't understand it laugh.
    I think dumb jokes are successful not because people are dumb, but rather, everyone understands dumb as itself.

    Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:36:19 UTC from web
    1. @metaltao A cop stops a speeding car, turns out it was Heisenberg driving the car the cop asks:
      "Sir, do you know how fast you were going?"
      "No... But I can tell you exactly where I am right now"

      Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:41:47 UTC from web
      1. @zennx I don't think I get this one.

        Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:42:21 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao heisenberg's uncertainty principle: it proves that there's a limit to the knowledge of a particle's complementary variables: position and momentum;
          you can estimately know both, approximately know one and barely know the other or EXACTLY know one, and have no idea on the other.
          so basically the more you know of one the less you know of the other

          Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:51:18 UTC from web
          1. @zennx OH! I thought you meant This Heisenberg!

            Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:51:49 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao no one ever means that Heisenberg, unless the sentence is clearly prefaced with "so on that one episode of Breaking Bad..."

              Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:53:34 UTC from web
              1. @zennx When i first Joined RDN, I thought I was having a stroke, because that was ALL everyone was talking about.
                Instead of ponies, I got hot applein' science and bald men...
                And Tiffany's face.
                He is cool.
                Where is the pepsi?

                Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:55:25 UTC from web
          2. @zennx I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN THAT!

            Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:52:04 UTC from web
    2. @metaltao Accessability is definitely a large part of it. Also that jokes that are made ironically at first (e.g. memes) tend to become a genuine piece of comedy for people, either because irony is a slippery slope or people just find it that funny. Vulgar jokes have been around since jokes have been around (we're talking Socratic fart jokes here) so it's probably not due to any deterioration of intelligence or anything; it's just a free-for-all fundament of human sociality I suppose.

      Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:45:08 UTC from web
      1. @tiffany I am glad you agree! And, holy papaya that was a lot more fancy than I wrote. Damn, that last line was good. 10/10/
        *Is stalling because he doesn't have anything else to add to this and is now anxious*

        Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:47:02 UTC from web
        1. @metaltao if it helps at all I tend to just use big words for small concepts because I want to seem good at something

          Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:51:05 UTC from web
          1. @tiffany That actually does a bit.
            mostly because I tend to do the same...

            Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:55:45 UTC from web
            1. @metaltao It does make me feel more fervent

              Friday, 01-Apr-16 21:59:37 UTC from web