

  1. pokemon go might not come out in brazil for at least 2 more months :\

    Friday, 15-Jul-16 19:47:21 UTC from web
    1. @mushi Daayum bro. That stinks :( Though to be perfectly honest. Do you even want PoGo to come out in Brazil in it's current state ? When I look at the Ingress Intel map over Brazil it REALLY has some devoid area's. And Ingress uses the same PoI's for portal as PoGo uses for PokeSpots. I do not know much of the game PoGo as of yet but Pokemon seem to love hanging around those spots, and you need to go there to get your pokeballs. For instance, if I look at Santa Fe right now, there are only 4 PoI's, all 4 within a 100 metre radius in what I assume are parks next to the biggest 2 roads in town. Niantic said that they would adress this issue worldwide. This may be where the 2 months come from.

      Friday, 15-Jul-16 19:57:21 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker actualy I dont trust peopl eenough anymore to be going to random places with my phone showing and stuff so i will probably not play it, but there are tons of people who want it and wont get it because everyone nintendo hates brazil.

        Friday, 15-Jul-16 19:59:37 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Actually I have no idea what that is ( like, in that building block ) ... the church in the background is also a PoI.

          As for actually playing it in Brazil, yeah, I recommend you try to get pokeman's with someone else, As in, there is probably someone in your immediate surroundings who likes both walking, pokemon, and maybe if you're lucky, nerdy guys ( ohkay, that last one was in jest :+ )

          Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:02:32 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker I'm not the most social person arround, so i dont really know anyone who will play it. I guess i will just start saving money for sun/moon

            Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:03:55 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Just throw a few messages in global chat when you do get PoGo. It'll all just work out fine, do not worry :)

              ... Still wondering what the heck a "espaço do artesâo" actually is... Something like an artisinal gym full of tools you could use ?

              Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:08:13 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker it is probably a place they go to sell their crafts or something

                Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:09:48 UTC from web
                1. @mushi It is like 20 times larger than I thought it would be... wow... Makes me kinda want to go to brazil my next vacation. Google Maps is awesome !

                  Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:11:45 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker try not going to Rio, it is likelly that you will be robbed there

                    Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:27:15 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi Rio ? Rio de Janeiro ? Yea that city has well over 500 PoI's. But no, do not worry, I know well enough that if you want to see some interesting stuff you need to : A speak enough of the native tongue to tell the plot to a movie without looking in a manual or book every 2 words ( In which case things like "us came hereto witness film in theatre" are actually acceptable, as long as you can make yourself understandable"). and B Go to an interesting place rather than a ( pre chewed ) tourist hotspot. Such as Bonito or Jijoca de Jericoacoara I guess ( mostly because they seem interesting,I have never heard of them before, so that sorta makes them non tourist hotspots I guess ? Idunno, If I am serious I will research more.

                      And when you absolutely find yourself in an area where you stand out as a dumb tourist. ... ... Try to radiate confidence... One of my friends just wore nothing but a black belt and white Kungfu clothing when he went on vacation, little crazy, but I heard it worked

                      Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:43:58 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker hm, i havent travelled much so i wouldnt know about what places are good for touristing

                        Friday, 15-Jul-16 21:31:13 UTC from web