Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Friday, 15-Jul-16 19:57:21 UTC

  1. @mushi Daayum bro. That stinks :( Though to be perfectly honest. Do you even want PoGo to come out in Brazil in it's current state ? When I look at the Ingress Intel map over Brazil it REALLY has some devoid area's. And Ingress uses the same PoI's for portal as PoGo uses for PokeSpots. I do not know much of the game PoGo as of yet but Pokemon seem to love hanging around those spots, and you need to go there to get your pokeballs. For instance, if I look at Santa Fe right now, there are only 4 PoI's, all 4 within a 100 metre radius in what I assume are parks next to the biggest 2 roads in town. Niantic said that they would adress this issue worldwide. This may be where the 2 months come from.

    Friday, 15-Jul-16 19:57:21 UTC from web in context