Cloud Kicker (critialcloudkicker)'s status on Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:43:58 UTC

  1. @mushi Rio ? Rio de Janeiro ? Yea that city has well over 500 PoI's. But no, do not worry, I know well enough that if you want to see some interesting stuff you need to : A speak enough of the native tongue to tell the plot to a movie without looking in a manual or book every 2 words ( In which case things like "us came hereto witness film in theatre" are actually acceptable, as long as you can make yourself understandable"). and B Go to an interesting place rather than a ( pre chewed ) tourist hotspot. Such as Bonito or Jijoca de Jericoacoara I guess ( mostly because they seem interesting,I have never heard of them before, so that sorta makes them non tourist hotspots I guess ? Idunno, If I am serious I will research more.

    And when you absolutely find yourself in an area where you stand out as a dumb tourist. ... ... Try to radiate confidence... One of my friends just wore nothing but a black belt and white Kungfu clothing when he went on vacation, little crazy, but I heard it worked

    Friday, 15-Jul-16 20:43:58 UTC from web in context