

  1. Question #: Which is hotter? Unicorns or pegasi?

    Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:55:06 UTC from web
    1. @pony Tough choice, but I'ma go with unicorns.

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:56:02 UTC from web
    2. @pony unicorns, undoubtedly. So…many…possibilities…

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:56:08 UTC from web
    3. @pony Pegasi

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:57:02 UTC from web
    4. @pony Pegasi

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:57:41 UTC from web
      1. @lyokotravels @scribble @nakkecil22 @toksyuryel that's a tie so far. Noted.

        Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:58:08 UTC from web
    5. @greydragon412 @lyokotravels @scribble @nakkecil22 @toksyuryel scales tipping in favor of pegasi

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 09:59:38 UTC from web
      1. @pony why??? magic is so much better than flying. tell those silly pegasi-lovers that. wings are pretty but they have no function, man!

        Thursday, 28-Jun-12 05:56:47 UTC from web
        1. @nakkecil22 # I would agree actually it's close enough that I think the decision must come down to which side has the most convincing argument.

          Thursday, 28-Jun-12 06:06:50 UTC from web
          1. @pony unicorn horns just have so many practical and er…ah…pleasant purposes if you get what I mean. The whole magic thing.

            Thursday, 28-Jun-12 11:03:24 UTC from web
            1. @nakkecil22 yep! I wish it were plausible to make her an alicorn, but I think unicorn might do just fine. ^_^

              Thursday, 28-Jun-12 11:07:38 UTC from web
    6. @pony As a unicorn I will say that pegasi are indeed... Err... More sexualized if that's the best way to put it? And I suppose that's partly or majorly down to the ancient "wingpapayas" jokes

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 10:16:23 UTC from web
    7. @pony Earth ponies. Don't noone know their way around a pony's body more than an earth pony. More in touch with nature and themselves.

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 10:17:23 UTC from web
      1. @abigpony @ceruleanspark @toksyuryel @scribble @lyokotravels @greydragon412 @purplephish20 mmkay..

        Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 11:39:06 UTC from web
        1. @pony I think they all fit well.

          Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 11:40:40 UTC from web
    8. @greydragon412 @scribble thanks!

      Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 11:41:21 UTC from web