

  1. I hate corn

    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:07:02 UTC from web
    1. @mushi you're a vegan what else is there to eat

      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:07:26 UTC from web
      1. @tiffany soy

        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:08:13 UTC from web
        1. @mushi you can't live on soy mushi

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:09:09 UTC from web
          1. @tiffany try and stop me

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:10:22 UTC from web
        2. @mushi Soy's evil and kills the fertility of the ground though, at least without crop rotation

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:17:05 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos tes, monoculture is alway bad. But the soy people consume is prerty much just what would go to waste after they sell everything they could to animal feeding, so it is sort of fine

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:21:45 UTC from web
          2. @nerthos @mushi Almost anything worth growing is, except for peanuts.

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 06:42:30 UTC from
    2. @mushi Why would you hate a fruit ? Or is it a vegetable ?

      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:08:49 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker i believe it is a fruit, and i dont like it because it tastes horible

        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:10:09 UTC from web
        1. @mushi Well you are not supposed to eat it raw

          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:10:38 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker it is not much better after baked either

            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:12:55 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Boil it and throw it in a soup. Or boil them and throw them in a salad.

              ... Or I guess you could pop them, you probably know what that makes :)

              Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:14:59 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker popcorn is nice, and also those things

                Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:16:19 UTC from web
                1. @mushi PamonHa ?

                  Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:17:41 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker yes, but only the sweet ones

                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:18:39 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi But the sweet ones are usually too sweet. ... ... Do you have a thing for over-sugared things ?

                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:22:00 UTC from web
                      1. @critialcloudkicker nope, i got a thing for things that do not taste like pure corn

                        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:22:43 UTC from web
                        1. @mushi Heh, ohkay then. You get to dislike corn, as long as I can dislike English beans.

                          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:26:05 UTC from web
                          1. @critialcloudkicker yeah, why would anyone not deslike that? I mean, they are english...

                            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:28:18 UTC from web
                            1. @mushi I actually had to look up the translation of that thing, since we call them "tuinbonen" ( garden beans ). They are also known as broad bean, fava bean, vaba mean, field bean, bell bean, horse bean,, windsor bean, picgeon bean and tic(k) bean... Which is a hell of a lot of nicknames for Vicia Faba.

                              Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:29:59 UTC from web
                              1. @critialcloudkicker fava, i know this name but i do not remeber eating them

                                Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:32:16 UTC from web
                      2. @critialcloudkicker Not if you do them properly.

                        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:22:48 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos Well I guess if you have a good enough cook you can make it taste awesome. However I generally think that Sweetcorn is way to sweet tasting.

                          Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:27:11 UTC from web
                          1. @critialcloudkicker Oh I thought you meant sweet popcorn.

                            Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:41:15 UTC from web
                            1. @nerthos Sugar or caramel flavoured popcorn is the abomination of popcorn and anyone who commits the sin of making it in my visual range shall be smitten !

                              Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:44:25 UTC from web
                              1. @critialcloudkicker But sweet popcorn is the best popcorn. Plain popcorn lacks taste and salty popcorn is icky.

                                Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:47:25 UTC from web
                                1. @nerthos I know over 50 ways to flavour popcorn. Salt & plain & sugar are the plainest of plain. If you want something awesome but do not want to spend a long time in the kitchen to prep anything, just use Cajun seasoning ( bonus : add some lemon zest, very little cayenne and 2 chopped scallions ).

                                  Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:53:53 UTC from web
                                2. @nerthos You've almost got my vote, but what's your take on cheesy popcorn?

                                  Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:55:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @scribus Make it 3-cheese ( shredded cheddar, parmesan and pecorino ) and you got yourself a deal

                                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:57:40 UTC from web
                                    1. @critialcloudkicker here in america the only type of cheese we are allowed on our popcorn is "orange"

                                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:58:04 UTC from web
                                      1. @rarity The more visually indistinguishable from Tang the better.

                                        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:58:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      2. @rarity Really, I thought the only American cheese was canned :+

                                        Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:59:15 UTC from web
                                  2. @scribus Never tried it. Depends on the cheese I suppose. Something like a cheddar would be too strong for it, but it might work with softer cheeses.

                                    Sunday, 08-Jan-17 01:59:01 UTC from web
                                    1. @nerthos As @rarity said, it is typically "orange."

                                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 02:01:00 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                    2. @nerthos NO. Cheese will always overwhelm popcorn ( appart from the REALLY young cheeses, and at that point the butter/oil flavour becomes too strong for the cheese to matter... Might as well use milk-flavour at that point ) ... And as such you pop your corn with multiple cheese flavours to bring out it's greatness.

                                      Sunday, 08-Jan-17 02:03:29 UTC from web
                                3. @nerthos @critialcloudkicker Perfect popcorn: for once, don't listen to Alton Brown.
                                  Clarify butter: this raises the smoke point to just the popping temperature and removes all water. Use 1/4 C butter to 1/2 C popcorn.

                                  On an electric stove, turn the dial to 4/5 high. Put the butter in the saucepan, with three kernels. Constantly shake the pan back and forth on the burner. When the three kernels pop, take the pan off the heat and put in the corn. Let the heat soak in for about one minute. Put the pan back on the heat and shake.

                                  When the popping is done, you can salt the corn (popcorn salt, none other, and not too much) as you pour it in the bowl, if you have three hands or an assistant. Do not pour more butter on now: the butter already coats each popped kernel perfectly: a thin layer all over, and all excess removed by the popping agitation. The inside is dry and fluffy.

                                  Sunday, 08-Jan-17 06:17:37 UTC from