

  1. I hope 2017 is the year that people realise "overrated" doesn't even really make sense as a concept

    Friday, 13-Jan-17 14:00:33 UTC from web
    1. @tiffany It is easier to say than "To me, X failed to live up to the hype."

      Friday, 13-Jan-17 14:16:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @scribus I can definitely understand being deterred by the hype of something to be fair (to this day I avoid all things Harry Potter out of spite)

        Friday, 13-Jan-17 14:24:11 UTC from web
    2. @tiffany I'd argue that it does make sense as a concept, however it is not one which you can just 'apply' to something and you would have said everything about it. Example of bad : No Man's Sky was overrated. Example of good : No Man's Sky was an overrated trainwreck when it came out mostly because of 'missing features'. ... But that is just my take on it

      Friday, 13-Jan-17 15:01:42 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker Yeah, I guess it works in some contexts, when you put it like that

        Friday, 13-Jan-17 15:05:04 UTC from web